Ovo je preukusno, lagano a sito jelo koje se brzo sprema.
This is a super tasty, light yet filling meal, and fast to prepare.
1/2 kg očišćenog spanaća
oko 100 g feta sira
2 jaja
200 ml kefira ili jogurta
4 kašike griza od pšenice ili spelte
3 struka mladog belog luka
malo soli i ulja
1/2 kašičice praška za pecivo
malo susama za posipanje
1/2 kg spinach leaves
approximately 100 gr feta cheese
2 eggs
200 ml kefir or plain yogurt
4 tablespoons wheat or spelt semolina
3 spring garlic sprouts
a bit of salt and oil
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
some sesame seeds for the topping
Spanać blanširati (na veoma kratko prokuvati i dobro ocediti). Iseckati na krupno. Iseckati beli luk i izgnječiti sir.
Blanch the spinach (briefly boil in water and drain well). Chop coarsely. Chop the garlic sprouts and mash the cheese with the fork.
Umutiti penasto mikserom jaja, dodati prašak za pecivo, griz i polovinu kefira. Dodati spanać. Izmešati viljuškom pa dodati preostali kefir. Dodati soli i sira.
Mix the eggs well with a mixer, add the baking powder, semolina and half of the kefir. Add the spinach. Mix with a fork, then add the remaining kefir. Add salt and cheese.
Sve dobro izmešati i sipati u posude za pečenje.
Mix well and pour into baking dishes.
Peći oko 40 minuta na 180 stepeni, poslednjih 5 minuta pojačati na 200.
Bake for approximately 40 minutes at 180 degrees C; increase to 200 degrees for the last five minutes.
Odlično ide uz mlade krompiriće.
It's excellent with baby potatoes.