Ako vam se dopao recept za vafle, evo još jedne ideje za ukusan slatkiš.
If you liked my waffles recipe, here's another idea for a delicious dessert.
Ispeći vafle po receptu: kliknite ovde
Bake waffles as described: click here
6 celih vafli2 jaja
oko pola litre mleka
5 kašika mlevenih oraha
3 kašike žutog šećera
6 entire waffles
2 eggs
approximately half a liter milk
5 tablespoons ground walnuts
3 tablespoons brown sugar
Pronaći posudu za pečenje koja odgovara veličini vafla. Sipati malo ulja na dno.
Razbiti jaja, ulupati i dodati mleka. U drugoj činiji pomešati šećer i mlevene orahe.
Find a baking dish that's similar to the waffle size and shape. Add a bit of oil.
Whisk the eggs and add the milk. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar and ground walnuts.
Staviti jednu vaflu na dno posude. Sipati kašiku mešavine oraha i šećera. Dodati malo mešavine jaja i mleka. Ponoviti proces dok ne utrošimo vafle.
Place a waffle at the bottom of the baking dish. Add a spoonful of nut and sugar mixture. Add some egg and milk mixture. Repeat the process until you have used all the waffles.
Poslednju vaflu samo obilno zaliti mešavinom mleka i jaja. Staviti u rernu zagrejanu na 200 stepeni i peći dok kolač ne naraste i lepo porumeni odozgo, oko 40 minuta.
Pour the milk and egg mixture abundantly over the top waffle. Place in the heated oven, at 200 degrees C and bake until the cake has risen and got nicely golden brown on the top, for approximately 40 minutes.
Ostaviti da odstoji bar petnaestak minuta pre serviranja. Posuti prah šećerom.
Let it rest for at least fifteen minutes before serving. Dust with powdered sugar.