Thursday, April 14, 2016

Razroki gusar * Cross-eyed Pirate

Ovo jelo je nastalo kao trenutna inspiracija, i odlično se pokazalo. Pošto je sveobuhvatno, pravi je kompletan obrok u malom, pritom izuzetno ukusan.

This recipe is a result of a moment of inspiration, and it turned out really well. As it includes various ingredients, it is an entire, sufficient meal, and a really delicious one.


4 paprike babure
300 g feta sira
6 jaja
200 ml kefira
3 kašike griza
8 tankih režnjeva dobre slanine
2 struka mladog belog luka
seckan list peršuna
prstohvat soli
malo tucane sudžuk paprike
malo ulja
4 bell peppers
300 g feta cheese
6 eggs
200 ml kefir
3 tablespoons semolina
8 thin slices of good quality bacon
2 spring garlic sprouts
chopped parsley leaves
a pinch of salt
a bit of coarsely ground chili
a bit of oil

Uključiti rernu na 200 stepeni. Oprati babure i pažljivo ukloniti peteljke, opkrojivši ih nožem. Staviti ih u tiganj ili manji pleh u koji smo prethodno sipali malo ulja.

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees C. Wash the bell peppers, stem them carefully with a sharp knife. Place in a skillet with a bit of oil.

U dubljoj posudi umutiti 2 jaja, dodati sir i izgnječiti ga, pa dodati griz, kefir, na kolutiće naseckan mladi beli luk i začine. Ovom smesom puniti paprike do 2/3 zapremine.

Beat 2 eggs in a deep bowl, add the cheese and mash it. Add semolina, kefir, chopped garlic sprouts and spices. Fill the peppers with this batter up to 2/3 of the pepper volume.

Na vrh u svaku papriku razbiti po 1 celo jaje i staviti oko ivice po dva režnja slanine.

Break one egg into each pepper on the top, and place two slices of bacon around the edge.

Staviti u zagrejanu rernu i peći na 200 stepeni 45 minuta. Odlične su i tople i hladne, iz frižidera.

Place in a heated oven and bake at 200 degrees C for 45 minutes. They are excellent both hot and cold, out of the fridge.