Friday, April 29, 2016

Uskršnja jaja * Easter Eggs

Ništa lepše od Uskršnjih jaja farbanih u lukovini. A za šare postoje razne varijante, ovde ću otkriti jednu koju godinama koristim.

There is nothing more beautiful than onion peel-dyed Easter eggs. And as for the patterns, there are various methods, and I am about to reveal the one I have been using for years.

Ljuske od luka staviti u veću šerpu i preliti ključalom vodom. Ostaviti da se skroz ohladi. Najbolje je ovo uraditi veče pre nego što nameravamo da farbamo jaja. Takođe, jaja obavezno izvaditi iz frižidera veče pre.

Place onion peel in a large pot and pour boiling water over it. Let it cool down completely. It's best if you do it the evening before, and by all means take the eggs out of the fridge and leave them at room temperature overnight.

Uzeti belu voštanu bojicu i na jajima pažljivo napraviti šare.

Take a white wax crayon and carefully draw patterns on the eggs.

U smesu s lukovinom sipati kašiku soli.

Add a tablespoon of salt in the onion peel and water mixture.

Pažljivo smestiti jaja u lukovinu. Doliti vode tako da sva jaja budu prekrivena. Staviti na ringlu i uključiti na srednju temperaturu. Kada se zagreje malo pojačati, ali nikako skroz na najjače. Kada počne lagano da ključa, isključiti i ostaviti šerpu na ringli još desetak minuta. Izbegavati dugo kuvanje jer će tako žumanca pozeleneti.

Nest the eggs carefully in the pot with the water and onion peel mixture. Add more water so that all the eggs are submerged. Place on a cold stove plate, turn on the heat to medium. Once it heats up, turn the temperature up a bit, but avoid the highest temperature. When it starts boiling lightly, turn off and just leave the pot on the stove plate for ten more minutes. Avoid overcooking, as the yolks may turn green.

Pripremiti ubrus sa malo ulja i korpicu u koju ćemo ređati jaja. Iz šerpe pažljivo kašikom vaditi jaje po jaje, svako staviti na nauljen ubrus, obrisati, uglancati i smestiti u korpicu.

Prepare a paper towel with a few drops of oil, and the egg basket. Carefully remove the eggs from the pot with a spoon, placing them, one by one, on the greased towel and polishing. Place each egg in the basket.

Srećan Uskrs!
Happy Easter!