Monday, April 25, 2016

Pilav * Chicken Pilaf

Pilav je tradicionalno balkansko jelo sa varijacijama od regiona do regiona. U Srbiji se obično pravi s piletinom i običnim belim pirinčem okruglog zrna. Danas ga pravim tako što kuvam celo domaće pile koje ću iskoristiti za dva različita jela.

Pilaf is a traditional Balkan dish with variations from region to region. In Serbia, it's usually made with chicken and plain, round-grain rice. Today I'm preparing it by cooking the entire free-range chicken which I am going to use for two different dishes.

1 pile ili po dva bataka, karabataka i krilca
veza zeleni
1 manji krompir
kašika celerove soli i kašičica bibera
1/2 kg belog pirinča okruglog zrna
1 beli luk ili struk mladog belog luka
glavica crnog luka
sveži peršun

1 chicken, or two legs, thighs and wings
4 carrots and 2 parsley roots
1 small potato
a tablespoon of celery salt (dried ground celery with sea salt) and a teaspoon of crushed pepper
1/2 kg white, round-grained rice
1 garlic or 1 spring garlic sprout
1 onion
fresh parsley leaves

Oprati i oljuštiti šargarepu, peršun i krompir. U dovoljno veliku šerpu ili lonac staviti pile i poređati okolo povrće. Dodati celerove soli i bibera. Naliti hladne vode dovoljno da prekrije veći deo pileta, ali da ostane dva prsta slobodno od vrha šerpe. Staviti na vatru da provri, pa smanjiti na tiho i kuvati 45 minuta.

Wash and peel the carrots. parsley roots and the potato. In a large enough pot place the chicken and the vegetables around it. Add celery salt and pepper. Pour enough cold water to cover most of the chicken, however leave a couple of centimeters free from the top of the pot. Place on stove and let it boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 45 minutes.

U međuvremenu, sitno iseckati crni i beli luk, očistiti i oprati pirinač. Kad se pile skuva, izvaditi ga iz supe i ostatak ostaviti u šerpi. Položiti pile na dasku i iseći na komade.

Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and garlic, and wash the rice. Once the chicken is cooked, take it out of the pot and leave the stock in the pot. Place the chicken on a cutting board and cut it into pieces.

U dubljem tiganju propržiti na malo ulja beli i crni luk, pa dodati oceđeni pirinač. Na kratko propržiti i naliti par kutlača supe od pileta. Nakon pet minuta skloniti s vatre. Pošto u supi već ima soli, ne treba dodatno soliti pilav.

Put the chopped garlic and onion into a skillet with a bit of oil, fry briefly and add the strained rice. Stir fry for half a minute and add a couple of ladles of chicken soup. Remove from stove after five minutes. Since there's already salt in the stock, it is not necessary to add more to the pilaf.

U zemljanu posudu sipati pirinač iz tiganja, dodati iseckane dve šargarepe iz supe i šaku seckanog svežeg peršuna. Izmešati pa staviti odozgo isečene batake, karabatake i krilca. Naliti supom tako da sve prekrije, poklopiti i staviti u hladnu rernu, pa postepeno pojačavati temperaturu do 180. Peći oko 45 minuta. Potom otklopiti pa peći još 10 minuta na 200 stepeni, da porumeni odozgore.
Dok se pilav peče, proveravati povremeno da li ima dovoljno tečnosti. Ako je sve upilo, dodavati još po malo supe.

Place the fried rice in an earthenware dish, add two chopped carrots from the soup and a handful of chopped fresh parsley. Mix and place on top the chicken legs, thighs and wings. Then add the stock, enough to cover it all. Cover the dish and place in a cold oven, increase the temperature gradually to 180 degrees C and bake for 45 minutes. Then remove the lid and bake for 10 more minutes at 200 degrees, allowing it to become golden brown on the top. 
While the pilaf is baking, check occasionally to see if  all the liquid has been soaked up by the rice. If so, add more stock. 

Ako vas zanima šta se desilo sa ostatkom pileta, potražite recept za pileći Ajmokac

If you want to know what happened with the rest of the chicken, look up the recipe for Chicken in White Sauce