Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ružice sa fetom i spanaćem * Feta and Spinach Roses

Ovo je još jedna od varijanti tradicionalnih pita sa Balkana.

This is yet another version of traditional Balkan pies.

pola kg kora za gibanicu
2 jaja
komad feta sira, oko 100 gr
200 gr očišćenog spanaća
500 ml kefira
prstohvat soli
1/2 kg Serbian style 'gibanica' filo pastry
2 eggs
approx. 100 gr feta cheese
200 gr spinach leaves
500 ml kefir
a pinch of salt

Spanać oprati, staviti u šerpicu i samo preliti ključalom vodom, ostaviti par minuta pa dobro ocediti i sitno iseckati.
Ulupati viljuškom jaja, dodati sir i izgnječiti ga, sipati sav kefir, prstohvat soli i malo ulja i izmešati. Dodati spanać, izmešati.

Wash the spinach, put it in a pot and just pour boiling water over it, leave for a couple of minutes and strain well. Chop finely.
Whisk the eggs with a fork, add the cheese and smash it. Pour all the kefir, a pinch of salt and a bit of oil and mix. Add the spinach, mix.

Pripremiti zemljane posudice, za svaku ružicu po jednu, ukupno 4. Nauljiti. Jednu koru raširiti i politi malo uljem, a drugu zgužvati, umočiti u smesu tako da se dobro natopi i obloži, pa je raširiti preko pola prve kore. Urolati, pa tako zavijenu jufku smotati kao puža i staviti u zemljanu posudicu. Ostaviti malo prostora da naraste. Malo premazati uljem odozgore. Ponoviti proces dok ne upotrebimo sve kore i smesu.

Prepare small earthenware baking dishes, one for each rose, 4 in total. Grease with oil. Spread one sheet and sprinkle with oil, and take the second, crumple it and dip in the batter. Let it get completely covered with the batter and spread across half of the first sheet. Roll and then swirl into a snail's shell shape. Place it into the earthenware dish. Leave it loose, since it will rise and grow. Sprinkle with oil. Repeat the procedure until all the sheets and batter is used.

Zagrejati rernu na 100 stepeni, staviti posude, pa postepeno pojačavati do 180. Peći 45 minuta, ili dok ružice lepo ne narastu i porumene.

Heat the oven at 100 degrees, place the dishes and gradually increase the temperature to 180 degrees C. Bake for 45 minutes, or until the roses have risen nicely and got golden brown.