Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mafini sa tikvicom i sremušem * Zucchini and Wild Garlic Muffins

Još jedna zdrava užina, zgodna da se ponese na posao ili u školu.

Another healthy snack, handy to take to work or school.

(mera je čaša od 200 ml)
3 jaja
1 prašak za pecivo
1 čaša ovsenih klica
pola čaše heljdinog griza
pola čaše integralnog brašna
1/4 čaše nerafinisanog suncokretovog ulja
1 čaša kefira
2 kašike čia semena
3 kašike mešavine belog i crnog susama
prstohvat soli
1 tikvica
pola veze sremuša
(unit of measure is a 200 ml glass)
3 eggs
12 g baking powder
1 glass oat germ
1/2 glass buckwheat semolina
1/2 glass integral wheat flour
1/4 glass non-refined sunflower oil
1 glass kefir
2 tablespoons chia seeds
3 tablespoons white and black sesame mixture
a pinch of salt
1 zucchini
approximately 10 wild garlic leaves

Uključiti rernu na 180 stepeni. Pripremiti pleh za mafine i postaviti papirne korpice. Oprati i sitno iseckati sremuš, a tikvicu oljuštiti i izrendati.

Turn the oven on at 180 degrees C. Prepare a muffin tin and place the paper liners. Wash and finely chop the wild garlic, and peel and grate the zucchini.

Umutiti mikserom jaja, dodati ovsene klice, pa naizmenično dodavati suve i tečne sastojke, mešajući. Na kraju dodati sremuš i rendanu tikvicu.

Mix the eggs, add the oat germ, and keep adding dry and liquid ingredients, mixing all the time. Finally, add the wild garlic and the grated zucchini.

Puniti korpice smesom do 2/3 zapremine, staviti u zagrejanu rernu i peći na 180 stepeni 30 minuta, pa pojačati na 200 i peći još 15 minuta.

Fill 2/3 of the muffin cups with the batter, place in heated oven and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees C, then increase to 200 and bake for 15 more minutes.

Odlični su i topli i hladni, i prava radost u kancelariji.

They are excellent hot or cold, and a true joy at the office.