Monday, April 4, 2016

Popara * Bread Porridge

Ovo je još jedno 'sirotinjsko' jelo koje ili obožavate ili mrzite. Može se praviti na vodi, na mleku, s uljem, svinjskom mašću, uz dodatak kajmaka i raznih vrsta sireva. Meni je najdraža jednostavna varijanta, na vodi, s uljem i s malo sira.

This is another example of poor people's food, that you either love or hate. It can be made with water, milk, with oil or lard, with additional clotted cream, various kinds of cheeses... I prefer the simplest version with water, oil and a bit of white cheese.

Oko pola vekne starog, belog hleba
kriška belog sira ili fete
malo ulja
prstohvat soli
oko pola litre vode

Approximately half a loaf of plain, stale white bread
100 gr plain white cheese or feta cheese
a bit of oil
a pinch of salt
1/2 liter water

Staviti šerpicu na ringlu, sipati vodu i pustiti da provri. Dodati malo soli u ulja, i hleb, iseckan ili izlomljen na komadiće. Staviti odjednom sav hleb i mešati. Hleb bi trebalo da upije svu vodu i da se pretvori u srednje-gustu kašu. Skinuti s vatre.

Place a pan or a saucer on the stove, add the water and let it boil. Add a pinch of salt and a bit of oil, followed by the stale bread, cut or torn in smaller pieces. Place all the bread at once and stir. It should soak in all the water and turn into a mixture, a bit thicker than porridge. Remove from the stove.

Dodati sir i izmešati. Presuti u činiju. Servirati uz jogurt ili kefir.

Add cheese and mix. Transfer into a bowl. Serve with plain yogurt or kefir.