Sunday, April 3, 2016

Punjene suve paprike * Stuffed dry red peppers

Ovu smesu možete koristiti za punjenje i svežih paprika, kupusa, paradajza, ali suve paprike su zaista posebne i jelu daju veoma specifičan ukus.

You can use this stuffing for fresh peppers, cabbage rolls, tomatoes, however, dried peppers are really special and add unique flavour to this dish.

200 g mlevene junetine
4 manja bela krompira, ili 2 veća
1 manji praziluk
4 struka mladog belog luka
vezica peršuna
oko 25 suvih paprika
kašičica celerove soli, pola kašičice bibera, pola kašičice sudžuk tucane paprike

200 g ground beef
4 small white potatoes or 2 large ones
1 small leek
4 sprouts of spring garlic
a handful of fresh parsley leaves
approx. 25 dried red sweet peppers
a teaspoon of celery salt (ground dried celery root mixed with sea salt), half a teaspoon pepper, half a teaspoon coarsely ground chili

Pre svega staviti paprike u posudu i preliti ključalom vodom. Ostaviti tako da odstoje dok pripremamo fil. Iseckati ugrubo praziluk i mladi beli luk. Staviti tiganj na ringlu, dodati malo ulja, pa kad se zagreje dodati luk i mešati. Kad luk postane staklast, dodati meso i dobro razraditi varjačom da postane rastresito. Dodati začine.

First of all, place the peppers in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Leave them to soak while you prepare the stuffing. Chop the leeks and garlic sprouts roughly. Place a skillet on the stove, add some oil, and once it gets hot add the leeks and garlic and stir well. Once it's half done, add the meat and work it around the skillet with a wooden spoon, so that it mixes well with the leek. Add spices. 

Izrendati krompir i šargarepu na fino rende, pa odmah dodati u tiganj, pre nego što krompir potamni.

Finely grate the potatoes and carrots and add immediately to the skillet before it looses colour. 

Na kraju iseckati peršun, i odabrati nekoliko paprika koje bušne ili pocepane, iseckati na tanke tračice, i to dodati smesi.

Finally, chop the parsley, and choose several peppers that are damaged or torn, slice them finely and add to the mixture.

U zemljanu posudu sipati malo ulja na dno. Ocediti paprike i kašičicom ih puniti pažljivo smesom. Ostaviti oko 1cm od vrha i stisnuti otvor, pa ređati u posudu.

Pour a bit of oil in an earthenware baking dish. Drain the peppers, and stuff them carefully using a teaspoon. Leave approximately 1 cm on the top unfilled, pinch it to close and place in the dish.

Nakon što su sve paprike napunjene, sipati par kašika vode na dno posude, pokriti folijom i staviti u hladnu rernu. Postepeno povećavati temperaturu do 180. Kada rerna dostigne 180 stepeni, peći 50 minuta, potom skinuti foliju i peći još 10 minuta.

Once you fill all the peppers, add a couple of tablespoons of water to the dish, cover with tinfoil and place in a cold oven. Increase the temperature gradually to 180 degrees C. From that moment bake for 50 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for 10 more minutes.

Služiti s kiselim mlekom ili kefirom.

Serve with Greek yogurt or kefir.