Saturday, April 16, 2016

Starinski kolač s jabukama * Granny's Apple Cake

Ovo je stari recept sa novim 'obrtom' - kako bi kolač bio zdraviji, umesto šećera koristim med i rogač, a deo brašna zamenjujem integralnim, pšeničnim klicama i mlevenim orasima.

This is an old recipe with a new twist - in order to make my cake healthier, I am replacing sugar with honey and carob, and a good portion of white flour with integral, wheat germ and ground walnuts. 

(mera je čaša od 200 ml)
6 jaja
tri srednje kisele jabuke
pola čaše mekog belog brašna
pola čaše integralnog brašna
pola čaše pšeničnih klica
pola čaše mlevenih oraha
pola čaše mlevenog rogača
prstohvat soli
prašak za pecivo
šaka seckanih oraha

(unit of measure is a 200 ml glass)
6 eggs
three sour apples
1/2 glass plain flour
1/2 glass integral flour
1/2 glass wheat germ
1/2 glass ground walnuts
1/2 glass ground carob
a pinch of salt
12 g baking powder
a handful of chopped walnuts

Uključiti rernu na 200 stepeni. Podmazati mali pleh i obložiti peki-papirom. Oljuštiti jabuke i iseckati na kockice. Odvojiti belanca od žumanaca, pa umutiti prvo mikserom belanca. Dodati žumanca, umutiti, pa dodati prašak za pecivo, so i oba brašna. Umutiti, dodati med, pšenične klice, mleveni orah, cimet po želji i rogač, i opet dobro umutiti. Na kraju dodati seckani orah i jabuke, izmešati varjačom, i sipati u pleh.

Turn the oven on at 200 degrees C. Grease a small tin or skillet and line it with baking paper. Peel the apples and dice them. Separate egg whites from yolks and whisk the whites first. Add the yolks, mix, add baking powder, salt and both flours. Whisk, add the honey, wheat germs, ground walnuts, cinnamon, as much as you like, the carob and again whisk well. Finally, add the chopped walnuts and apples and mix with a spoon. Pour into the baking tin.

Peći na 200 stepeni 45 minuta. Ostaviti da se prohladi pa iseći, posuti prah šećerom i cimetom i poslužiti.

Bake at 200 degrees C for 45 minutes. Leave it to cool, then cut and sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon, and serve.