Ovo je zdravija varijanta belgijskih vafli, koji su meki i vazdušasti, za razliku od galeta koje se peku u istom kalupu, i najlepši su kad su topli.
This is a healthier version of Belgian waffles, soft and light, and best when eaten warm.
(mera je čaša od 200ml)2 jaja
1 čaša običnog brašna
1 čaša pšeničnih klica
1/3 čaše nerafinisanog kokosovog ulja
1,5 čaša mleka (može i varijanta s biljnim mlekom)
2 kašike meda
1 prašak za pecivo
prstohvat soli
štapić vanile ili vanilin šećer
(unit of measure is a 200ml glass)
2 eggs
1 glass plain flour
1 glass wheat germ
1/3 glass non-refined coconut oil
1,5 glasses milk (any kind)
2 tablespoons honey
12 gr baking powder
a pinch of salt
a vanilla pod or vanilla extract
Dobro umutiti jaja mikserom, pa polako dodavati naizmenično suve i tečne sastojke, mešajući. Testo treba da bude za nijansu gušće od testa za palačinke. Zagrejati aparat za galete.
Mix eggs well with a mixer, and gradually add dry and liquid ingredients, while mixing constantly. The batter should be slightly thicker than the pancake mix. Turn on the waffle maker.
Sipati jednu malu kutlaču testa na podmazan kalup, u centar, i poklopiti. Testo će se samo razliti i oblikovati. Ne sipati previše testa jer će narasti i iscureti.
Pour one small ladle of batter on the greased, hot waffle maker and put the lid on. The batter will disperse and shape by itself. Do not put too much batter, since it will rise and it could leak.
Po ivicama sa strane se vidi kada su vafle porumenele. Polako podići poklopac, i ako su dovoljno rumene, i još uvek zalepljene, lagano ih drvenom varjačom odvojiti od kalupa. Staviti na tanjir pa u kalup sipati novu količinu testa, i ponavljati proces dok ne potrošimo svo testo. Ako ne želimo da iskoristimo svu smesu, možemo je staviti poklopljenu u frižider gde može da stoji oko dva dana. Tako uvek možemo imati sveže i tople vafle.
You will be able to see by the edges when the waffles are ready. Lift the lid carefully, and if they got golden brown, and are still stuck to the mold, use the edge of a wooden spoon to carefully help them separate. Place the waffle on a plate, and pour another ladle of batter into the mold. Repeat the process until the batter is used. If you don't want to use the entire quantity at once, you can keep the batter in the fridge, covered, for up to two days. Thus you can always have fresh and warm waffles.
Vafle možemo preliti medom, javorovim sirupom, džemom, bobičastim voćem, eurokremom, mlevenom plazmom ili orasima ili ih jednostavno posuti prah-šećerom.
Waffles are great with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup, marmalade, berries, chocolate cream, ground nuts, or with a simple dust of sugar.