Ovo tradicionalno jelo s Balkana može se praviti u najrazličitijim varijantama. Ovog puta pravim ga sa sremušem, sitnim čvarcima i belim sirom u tučanom tiganju.
This traditional dish from the Balkans can be made in a variety of ways. This time, I'm making it with wild garlic, white cheese, pork cracklings, all in a cast-iron skillet.
(mera je čaša od 200 ml)2 jaja
čaša kukuruznog griza
pola čaše belog brašna
pola praška za pecivo
čaša kefira ili jogurta
1/4 čaše ulja (hladno ceđenog, suncokretovog)
prstohvat soli
par kašika sitnih čvaraka
oko 80 gr sira
veza sremuša
(unit of measure is a 200ml glass)
2 eggs
1 glass of polenta flour
1/2 glass plain white flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 glass kefir or plain yogurt
1/4 glass cold pressed sunflower oil
a pinch of salt
several tablespoons of pork cracklings (small ones)
approximately 80gr white or feta cheese
approximately 20 wild garlic leaves
Uključiti rernu na 180 stepeni. Umutiti jaja, pa dodavati suve i tečne sastojke naizmenično, mešajući. Na kraju dodati čvarke, sremuš iseckan na tračice, izgnječen sir i umutiti.
Turn on the oven at 180 degrees C. Whisk the eggs, and add gradually dry and liquid ingredients, mixing all the time. In the end add the pork cracklings, finely sliced wild garlic leaves and mashed cheese and mix.
Podmazati tučani tiganj uljem pa sipati smesu i poravnati. Staviti u rernu i peći 30 minuta na 180 stepeni, pa još 15 minuta na 200 stepeni. Projara je gotova kada lepo porumeni a ivice počnu da se odvajaju od tiganja. Dobra je i topla i hladna.
Grease the cast-iron skillet with oil and pour in the batter. Place it in the oven and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees C, and additional 15 minutes at 200 degrees. The corn bread is done when it becomes golden brown on the surface, and the edges start separating from the skillet. It's excellent both hot and cold.