Friday, April 29, 2016

Uskršnja jaja * Easter Eggs

Ništa lepše od Uskršnjih jaja farbanih u lukovini. A za šare postoje razne varijante, ovde ću otkriti jednu koju godinama koristim.

There is nothing more beautiful than onion peel-dyed Easter eggs. And as for the patterns, there are various methods, and I am about to reveal the one I have been using for years.

Ljuske od luka staviti u veću šerpu i preliti ključalom vodom. Ostaviti da se skroz ohladi. Najbolje je ovo uraditi veče pre nego što nameravamo da farbamo jaja. Takođe, jaja obavezno izvaditi iz frižidera veče pre.

Place onion peel in a large pot and pour boiling water over it. Let it cool down completely. It's best if you do it the evening before, and by all means take the eggs out of the fridge and leave them at room temperature overnight.

Uzeti belu voštanu bojicu i na jajima pažljivo napraviti šare.

Take a white wax crayon and carefully draw patterns on the eggs.

U smesu s lukovinom sipati kašiku soli.

Add a tablespoon of salt in the onion peel and water mixture.

Pažljivo smestiti jaja u lukovinu. Doliti vode tako da sva jaja budu prekrivena. Staviti na ringlu i uključiti na srednju temperaturu. Kada se zagreje malo pojačati, ali nikako skroz na najjače. Kada počne lagano da ključa, isključiti i ostaviti šerpu na ringli još desetak minuta. Izbegavati dugo kuvanje jer će tako žumanca pozeleneti.

Nest the eggs carefully in the pot with the water and onion peel mixture. Add more water so that all the eggs are submerged. Place on a cold stove plate, turn on the heat to medium. Once it heats up, turn the temperature up a bit, but avoid the highest temperature. When it starts boiling lightly, turn off and just leave the pot on the stove plate for ten more minutes. Avoid overcooking, as the yolks may turn green.

Pripremiti ubrus sa malo ulja i korpicu u koju ćemo ređati jaja. Iz šerpe pažljivo kašikom vaditi jaje po jaje, svako staviti na nauljen ubrus, obrisati, uglancati i smestiti u korpicu.

Prepare a paper towel with a few drops of oil, and the egg basket. Carefully remove the eggs from the pot with a spoon, placing them, one by one, on the greased towel and polishing. Place each egg in the basket.

Srećan Uskrs!
Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ružice sa fetom i spanaćem * Feta and Spinach Roses

Ovo je još jedna od varijanti tradicionalnih pita sa Balkana.

This is yet another version of traditional Balkan pies.

pola kg kora za gibanicu
2 jaja
komad feta sira, oko 100 gr
200 gr očišćenog spanaća
500 ml kefira
prstohvat soli
1/2 kg Serbian style 'gibanica' filo pastry
2 eggs
approx. 100 gr feta cheese
200 gr spinach leaves
500 ml kefir
a pinch of salt

Spanać oprati, staviti u šerpicu i samo preliti ključalom vodom, ostaviti par minuta pa dobro ocediti i sitno iseckati.
Ulupati viljuškom jaja, dodati sir i izgnječiti ga, sipati sav kefir, prstohvat soli i malo ulja i izmešati. Dodati spanać, izmešati.

Wash the spinach, put it in a pot and just pour boiling water over it, leave for a couple of minutes and strain well. Chop finely.
Whisk the eggs with a fork, add the cheese and smash it. Pour all the kefir, a pinch of salt and a bit of oil and mix. Add the spinach, mix.

Pripremiti zemljane posudice, za svaku ružicu po jednu, ukupno 4. Nauljiti. Jednu koru raširiti i politi malo uljem, a drugu zgužvati, umočiti u smesu tako da se dobro natopi i obloži, pa je raširiti preko pola prve kore. Urolati, pa tako zavijenu jufku smotati kao puža i staviti u zemljanu posudicu. Ostaviti malo prostora da naraste. Malo premazati uljem odozgore. Ponoviti proces dok ne upotrebimo sve kore i smesu.

Prepare small earthenware baking dishes, one for each rose, 4 in total. Grease with oil. Spread one sheet and sprinkle with oil, and take the second, crumple it and dip in the batter. Let it get completely covered with the batter and spread across half of the first sheet. Roll and then swirl into a snail's shell shape. Place it into the earthenware dish. Leave it loose, since it will rise and grow. Sprinkle with oil. Repeat the procedure until all the sheets and batter is used.

Zagrejati rernu na 100 stepeni, staviti posude, pa postepeno pojačavati do 180. Peći 45 minuta, ili dok ružice lepo ne narastu i porumene.

Heat the oven at 100 degrees, place the dishes and gradually increase the temperature to 180 degrees C. Bake for 45 minutes, or until the roses have risen nicely and got golden brown.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Zapečeni vafli s orasima * Waffle Cake with Walnuts

Ako vam se dopao recept za vafle, evo još jedne ideje za ukusan slatkiš.

If you liked my waffles recipe, here's another idea for a delicious dessert.

Ispeći vafle po receptu: kliknite ovde

Bake waffles as described: click here
6 celih vafli
2 jaja
oko pola litre mleka
5 kašika mlevenih oraha
3 kašike žutog šećera
6 entire waffles
2 eggs
approximately half a liter milk
5 tablespoons ground walnuts
3 tablespoons brown sugar

Pronaći posudu za pečenje koja odgovara veličini vafla. Sipati malo ulja na dno.
Razbiti jaja, ulupati i dodati mleka. U drugoj činiji pomešati šećer i mlevene orahe.

Find a baking dish that's similar to the waffle size and shape. Add a bit of oil.
Whisk the eggs and add the milk. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar and ground walnuts.

Staviti jednu vaflu na dno posude. Sipati kašiku mešavine oraha i šećera. Dodati malo mešavine jaja i mleka. Ponoviti proces dok ne utrošimo vafle.

Place a waffle at the bottom of the baking dish. Add a spoonful of nut and sugar mixture. Add some egg and milk mixture. Repeat the process until you have used all the waffles.

Poslednju vaflu samo obilno zaliti mešavinom mleka i jaja. Staviti u rernu zagrejanu na 200 stepeni i peći dok kolač ne naraste i lepo porumeni odozgo, oko 40 minuta.

Pour the milk and egg mixture abundantly over the top waffle. Place in the heated oven, at 200 degrees C and bake until the cake has risen and got nicely golden brown on the top, for approximately 40 minutes.

Ostaviti da odstoji bar petnaestak minuta pre serviranja. Posuti prah šećerom.

Let it rest for at least fifteen minutes before serving. Dust with powdered sugar.

Ajmokac * Chicken in White Sauce

Ajmokac je jedno od onih jela koje ili mrzite ili obožavate. Blagog je ukusa i, ma koliko se nutricionisti mrštili, odlično ide uz beli hleb.

Chicken in white sauce is one of those dishes that you either hate or love. It's mild in taste, and it goes so well with white bread (let nutritionists frown all they want).

Za ovo jelo potrebno vam je kuvano belo meso sa sve supom. Ja koristim meso i supu od celog pileta od kog sam spremala i pilav. Kako skuvati pile, pogledajte ovde: Pilav

For this dish you need cooked chicken breast with stock. I am using the meat and stock from the entire chicken that I prepared for the pilaf. You can see instructions on how to cook a chicken here: Pilaf

1 belo meso, odvojeno od kosti, skuvano, sitno cepkano
oko pola litra supe
2 kašike belog brašna
glavica belog luka
za ukras malo seckanog peršuna i sudžuk paprike

1 chicken breast, cooked, de-boned, torn into small pieces
approximately 1/2 liter chicken stock
2 tablespoons white flour
1 garlic
for garnish a bit of chopped parsley and crushed chili

U dublju šerpu sipati malo ulja i dodati izgnječeni beli luk. Propržiti na kratko pa dodati brašno i žustro mešati. Smanjiti vatru na srednje. Dodavati po malo supe i mešati. Ako se pojave grudvice, skinuti s vatre pa razraditi dobro varjačom.

Put a bit of oil in a saucepan and add the crushed garlic. Fry briefly and add the flour and stir constantly. Reduce the heat to medium. Keep adding soup bit by bit, stirring. If there are lumps, remove from hot plate and break them with the spoon. 

Dodati još supe da smesa bude kašasta, pa sipati svo sitno cepkano, već skuvano belo meso.

Add more stock and the torn, cooked chicken breast meat. 

Naliti supom da dobro prekrije meso, poklopiti i kuvati 20ak minuta na tihoj vatri, povremeno mešajući.

Add more stock to cover the meat, put the lid on and simmer for some 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Sos bi trebalo da bude polu-gust, ako je pregust dodati još supe, ako je redak, kuvati malo duže, otklopljeno.

The sauce should be relatively thick, if it is too thick, add more stock, if it's too thin, cook longer, uncovered.

Servirati vruće, posuti peršunom i tucanom sudžuk paprikom.

Serve hot, sprinkle with chopped parsley and crushed chili.

Pilav * Chicken Pilaf

Pilav je tradicionalno balkansko jelo sa varijacijama od regiona do regiona. U Srbiji se obično pravi s piletinom i običnim belim pirinčem okruglog zrna. Danas ga pravim tako što kuvam celo domaće pile koje ću iskoristiti za dva različita jela.

Pilaf is a traditional Balkan dish with variations from region to region. In Serbia, it's usually made with chicken and plain, round-grain rice. Today I'm preparing it by cooking the entire free-range chicken which I am going to use for two different dishes.

1 pile ili po dva bataka, karabataka i krilca
veza zeleni
1 manji krompir
kašika celerove soli i kašičica bibera
1/2 kg belog pirinča okruglog zrna
1 beli luk ili struk mladog belog luka
glavica crnog luka
sveži peršun

1 chicken, or two legs, thighs and wings
4 carrots and 2 parsley roots
1 small potato
a tablespoon of celery salt (dried ground celery with sea salt) and a teaspoon of crushed pepper
1/2 kg white, round-grained rice
1 garlic or 1 spring garlic sprout
1 onion
fresh parsley leaves

Oprati i oljuštiti šargarepu, peršun i krompir. U dovoljno veliku šerpu ili lonac staviti pile i poređati okolo povrće. Dodati celerove soli i bibera. Naliti hladne vode dovoljno da prekrije veći deo pileta, ali da ostane dva prsta slobodno od vrha šerpe. Staviti na vatru da provri, pa smanjiti na tiho i kuvati 45 minuta.

Wash and peel the carrots. parsley roots and the potato. In a large enough pot place the chicken and the vegetables around it. Add celery salt and pepper. Pour enough cold water to cover most of the chicken, however leave a couple of centimeters free from the top of the pot. Place on stove and let it boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 45 minutes.

U međuvremenu, sitno iseckati crni i beli luk, očistiti i oprati pirinač. Kad se pile skuva, izvaditi ga iz supe i ostatak ostaviti u šerpi. Položiti pile na dasku i iseći na komade.

Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and garlic, and wash the rice. Once the chicken is cooked, take it out of the pot and leave the stock in the pot. Place the chicken on a cutting board and cut it into pieces.

U dubljem tiganju propržiti na malo ulja beli i crni luk, pa dodati oceđeni pirinač. Na kratko propržiti i naliti par kutlača supe od pileta. Nakon pet minuta skloniti s vatre. Pošto u supi već ima soli, ne treba dodatno soliti pilav.

Put the chopped garlic and onion into a skillet with a bit of oil, fry briefly and add the strained rice. Stir fry for half a minute and add a couple of ladles of chicken soup. Remove from stove after five minutes. Since there's already salt in the stock, it is not necessary to add more to the pilaf.

U zemljanu posudu sipati pirinač iz tiganja, dodati iseckane dve šargarepe iz supe i šaku seckanog svežeg peršuna. Izmešati pa staviti odozgo isečene batake, karabatake i krilca. Naliti supom tako da sve prekrije, poklopiti i staviti u hladnu rernu, pa postepeno pojačavati temperaturu do 180. Peći oko 45 minuta. Potom otklopiti pa peći još 10 minuta na 200 stepeni, da porumeni odozgore.
Dok se pilav peče, proveravati povremeno da li ima dovoljno tečnosti. Ako je sve upilo, dodavati još po malo supe.

Place the fried rice in an earthenware dish, add two chopped carrots from the soup and a handful of chopped fresh parsley. Mix and place on top the chicken legs, thighs and wings. Then add the stock, enough to cover it all. Cover the dish and place in a cold oven, increase the temperature gradually to 180 degrees C and bake for 45 minutes. Then remove the lid and bake for 10 more minutes at 200 degrees, allowing it to become golden brown on the top. 
While the pilaf is baking, check occasionally to see if  all the liquid has been soaked up by the rice. If so, add more stock. 

Ako vas zanima šta se desilo sa ostatkom pileta, potražite recept za pileći Ajmokac

If you want to know what happened with the rest of the chicken, look up the recipe for Chicken in White Sauce