Evo ideje za brz i zdrav ručak.
Here's an idea for a quick and healthy lunch.
400 gr svežeg, očišćenog i opranog spanaća
Pola šolje (120 ml) kefira
5 prepeličjih jaja
kašika ulja
prstohvat soli
400 gr fresh, washed spinach
1/2 cup (120 ml) kefir
5 quail eggs
a spoonful of oil
a pinch of salt
Staviti dublji tiganj ili šerpu na zagrejanu ringlu, dodati malo ulja i ubaciti opran i oceđen spanać. Odmah poklopiti i smanjiti vatru. Nakon par minuta promešati. Spanać će uvenuti i pustiti vodu, i kada se to desi, otklopiti i pustiti da se lagano krčka da bi voda mogla da isparava. Dodati kefir i promešati, ostaviti da lagano vri i povremeno mešati. Dodati soli. Kada je skoro sva tečnost uvrila, varjačom grupisati spanać u krug i poravnati ga, odozgo razbiti 5 prepeličjih jaja i poklopiti na kratko da bi se jaja jednako ispekla. Treba da se uhvati bela korica, ali da žumance ostane meko.
Servirati uz tostirani hleb.
Place a skillet on a well heated stove plate, add the oil and the washed and drained spinach. Put the lid on and reduce heat immediately. Stir after a couple of minutes. The spinach will wilt and liquid will drain, when you see that happening remove the lid and let it simmer, to allow it to evaporate. Stir occasionally. Add the kefir and keep cooking. Add salt. Once the liquid has almost completely evaporated (don't let it dehydrate completely), use a wooden spatula to shape the spinach into a nice, flat circle. Add the 5 quail eggs on the top and cover just for a short while so that they would cook evenly. You should see a thin white crust forming on the surface, however, don't overcook, make sure that the yolk remains soft (and runny, if you prefer it that way).
Serve with toasted bread.