Sunday, March 13, 2016

Svinjetina sa suvim šljivama * Pork Roast with Prunes

Ovo raskošno jelo, pritom jednostavno za pripremu, obogatiće vašu nedeljnu trpezu.
This abundant, yet simple to prepare meal, will turn your Sunday lunch into a feast. 


Komad svinjetine po želji, u ovom slučaju od buta, 800 gr ili više, po potrebi.
2 ili više krompira
1 veća šargarepa
1 manji celer
1 mala jabuka
komad praziluka (svetliji deo)
komadić svežeg đumbira
desetak suvih šljiva bez koštica
oko 200 ml supe
začini: biber, so, tucana sudžuk paprika, lorber, ruzmarin

A nice chunk of pork you prefer, in this case lean leg, 800 gr or more
2 or more potatoes
1 large carrot
1 small celery root
1 small apple
1 leek, the white bit
a piece of fresh ginger root
a dozen prunes without pits
approx. 200 ml stock
spices: pepper, salt, coarsely ground chili, bay leaf, rosemary

Meso je najbolje pripremiti veče pre: napraviti plitke rezove na površini, nauljiti, dodati začine i dobro ih utrljati u meso. U proreze ubaciti komadiće đumbira, lorber i ruzmarin. Poklopiti ili umotati u foliju i ostaviti da prenoći u frižideru. Sutradan očistiti povrće, naseckati na krupne komade a jabuku oljuštiti i iseckati na kockice. Staviti meso u zemljanu posudu, jabuke na dno, pa rasporediti povrće i suve šljive. Zaliti supom, poklopiti i staviti u hladnu rernu. Uključiti na 100 stepeni, pa postepeno povećavati do 180. Peći sat vremena poklopljeno. Potom otklopiti, preliti sve sokom sa dna, pojačati vatru na 200 i peći još 45 minuta, povremeno proveravajući, i zalivajući sokom. Kada meso i krompir lepo porumene, a količina soka se malo redukuje, jelo je spremno. Izvaditi iz rerne, ostaviti poklopljeno desetak minuta i servirati uz ajvar.

Make sure you prepare the meat the night before. Make shallow slices on the surface, add oil and spices and rub them well into the meat. Place pieces of ginger, bay leaf and rosemary into the slits. Cover or wrap in clingfilm and leave in the fridge overnight. The following day clean and peel the vegetables, cut into large chunks, and peel and dice the apple. Place the meat into an earthenware dish, put the apple dices on the bottom and distribute the vegetables and the prunes evenly. Add stock, cover and place in a cold oven. Turn it on at 100 degrees Celsius, and increase gradually until you reach 180. Let it bake for one hour. Then remove the lid, spoon the juice from the bottom over everything, increase the heat at 200 and bake for 45 more minutes, checking it occasionally and spooning the juice over the top. Once the meat and potatoes become golden brown and the juices reduce, the meal is ready. Take it out of the oven, cover and let it rest for 10 minutes, and serve with 'ajvar', traditional grilled paprika delicacy.