Monday, March 21, 2016

Krompir paprikaš s knedlama od heljde * Potato Paprikash with Buckwheat Dumplings

Ovo je pravi biser domaće kuhinje, jer, kako su naše bake govorile, ništa bez kašike!

This dish is a real treasure of home cooking, since, as our grandmothers used to say, nothing beats the spoon (i.e. a soupy, warm, home-made meal).

komad piletine, po izboru, ili celo pile
1 praziluk ili crni luk
2 struka mladog belog luka ili pola glavice starog
3 šargarepe
1 peršun, koren i list
3 veća krompira
celerova so
ljuta sudžuk paprika
malo ulja
  na kraju:
2 kašike aleve paprike
kašičica brašna
   za knedle:
2 kašike griza od heljde
2 kašike griza od pšenice ili spelte
1 kašičica brašna
prstohvat soli
kašičica ulja
a piece of chicken, or one entire chicken
1 leek or onion
2 spring garlic shoots or half a garlic
3 carrots
1 parsley, root and leaves
3 large potatoes
celery salt (ground dried celery mixed with sea salt)
coarsely ground chili
a bit of oil
   in the end:    
2 tablespoons of finely ground paprika
a teaspoon of plain flour
for the dumplings:   
2 tablespoons of buckwheat semolina
2 tablespoons of spelt or wheat semolina
a teaspoon of plain white flour
a pinch of salt
a teaspoon of oil

Oprati i očistiti povrće, oprati meso, pa sitno iseckati praziluk, mladi beli luk, peršunov koren (list ostaviti za kraj za dekoraciju, kao i kašičicu seckanog belog luka), a šargarepu i krompir iseći ka krupnije komade.

Wash and clean the vegetables, wash the meat. Chop finely the leek, spring garlic, parsley root (set aside the parsley leaves for the end, for decoration, as well as a teaspoon of chopped spring garlic); cut the carrots and potatoes into larger cubes.

Staviti lonac na ringlu, uključiti na najjače i sipati malo ulja. Dodati seckani praziluk i beli luk i na kratko propržiti, uz konstantno mešanje. Smanjiti vatru, dodati meso, sipati čašu vode, poklopiti i dinstati dvadesetak minuta. Potom dodati šargarepu, začine, doliti još malo vode i nastaviti sa dinstanjem.

Put a pot on the stove plate, turn on the heat to maximum and add a bit of oil. Add the chopped leeks and spring garlic, fry briefly, stirring continuously. Reduce the heat, add the meat, pour in a glass of water, cover and let it simmer for some twenty minutes. Then add the carrots, spices, add a bit more of water, and continue cooking at low heat.

Dok se sve to kuva, pripremiti knedle. Razbiti jaje u dubok tanjir i dobro ulupati viljuškom. Zasebno pomešati griz od heljde, spelte/pšenice, malo brašna i prstohvat soli, pa postepeno tu smesu dodavati ulupanom jajetu i konstantno mešati. Količina griza zavisi od veličine jajeta, pa možda nećete upotrebiti celu mešavinu, a možda će vam biti potrebno još malo. Smesa treba da bude gusta ali žitka, kao kaša. Dodati kašičicu ulja i dobro izmešati. Ostaviti sa strane.

Meanwhile, prepare the mixture for the dumplings. Break the egg into a soup plate and beat it well with a fork. Separately, mix the buckwheat and spelt/wheat semolina, a teaspoon of plain flour and a pinch of salt. Add this gradually to the beaten egg, stirring all the time. The quantity of semolina depends on the size of the egg, so you may not use it all, or you may need some extra. The mixture should be thick, however still a bit runny, like porridge. Add a teaspoon of oil and mix well. Set aside.

Kada je meso skoro kuvano, izvaditi ga na tanjir i odvojiti od kostiju. Vratiti meso u varivo. Ovaj korak možete preskočiti, ako volite da servirate komade mesa s kostima.

Once the meat is almost done, put it on a plate and separate from the bone. Put the meat back into the pot. You can skip this step if you prefer serving the meat with the bones.

Nakon što vratimo meso, dodamo seckani krompir, nalijemo vode tako da sve prekrije, i kada počne lagano da vri, uzmemo smesu za knedle, vadimo je kašičicom i lagano spuštamo u paprikaš.

After putting the meat back, add the chopped potatoes and add water so that it covers all the ingredients. Once it starts simmering, take the dumpling mixture and spoon it into the paprikash carefully. 

Ostaviti da se krčka petnaestak minuta. Potom sipati u šolju dve kašike slatke aleve paprike, kašičicu brašna i doliti, uz mešanje, 150 ml hladne vode. Dobro izmešati, da ne bude grudvica. Sve to sipati u paprikaš, izmešati pažljivo, poklopiti i nastaviti još desetak minuta s kuvanjem, uz povremeno kratko mešanje. Kada meso počne da se raspada i krompir bude skroz mekan, paprikaš je gotov.

Let it cook slowly for some fifteen minutes. Then take a cup and add two tablespoons of sweet paprika, a teaspoon of flour and 150 ml cold water. Mix well and break all the lumps. Add the mixture to paprikash, stir carefully, cover and keep cooking for some ten more minutes, stirring briefly, occasionally. Once the meat starts falling apart and potatoes become soft, the paprikash is done.

Servirati obilno i posuti seckanim peršunovim listom i mladim belim lukom.

Serve lavishly and sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves and spring garlic.

Ovo jelo posvećujem svojoj majci, koja me nije toliko učila, koliko me je pustila da nenametljivo upijem njene izuzetne kulinarske veštine.

I dedicate this dish to my mother, who didn't teach me, as much as she let me soak in unobtrusively, her extraordinary cooking skills.