Thursday, March 10, 2016

Šufnudle s makom i orasima * Potato Pastry with Poppy Seed and Walnuts

Ovo jelo, tipično za Vojvodinu i Slavoniju, ne može a da nas ne podseti na detinjstvo. Kao pravi primer 'sirotinjske kuhinje', izuzetno je u svojoj jednostavnosti.

This pastry, typical for Vojvodina and Slavonia regions in the Balkans, is a dear childhood memory for many of us. It is a typical example of cucina povera - poor people's food. And it's wonderful in its simplicity.


1 kg belog krompira
1/2+ kg belog brašna, mešavina mekog i oštrog
2 kašike griza
1 prepuna, bogata kašika svinjske masti*
1 jaje
malo soli

 i još
oko litar ipo vode za kuvanje
so, ulje
   za valjanje
200 gr mlevenih oraha
200 gr mlevenog maka
šećera po ukusu

1 kg white potatoes
1/2+ kg plain flour
2 tablespoons semolina
1 brimming tablespoon of lard*
1 egg
a pinch of salt

about a liter and a half of water for cooking
salt, oil

and finally   
200 gr ground walnuts
200 gr ground poppy seeds
sugar, as much as you like

*Ako ne jedete svinjsku mast, možete je zameniti puterom ili uljem.
*If your diet does not include lard, you can use butter or oil.

Krompir skuvati u ljusci, oljuštiti i propasirati. Dodati griz, mast, jaje, so, pa malo po malo brašna i pritom mesiti u posudi.

Boil the potatoes, do not peel until cooked. Mash. Add semolina, lard, egg, salt and flour, bit by bit, while kneading. 

Biće vam potrebno oko pola kile brašna, ali prestanite s dodavanjem čim testo prestane da se lepi. Biće potrebno još brašna prilikom razvlačenja i za posipanje izvaljanih šufnudli.

You will need approximately half a kilo of flour, however stop adding it as soon as the dough stops being sticky. You will need some extra flour while processing and preserving the pastry, before cooking it.

Staviti testo na dasku posutu brašnom, oblikovati pa iseći na 4 dela. Svaki deo razvući u dugačku jufku, pa iseći na komadiće veličine prsta. Svaki komadić malo oblikovati u valjak, stavljati na dobro pobrašnjenu gomilicu.

Place the dough on the kneading board sprinkled with flour, shape and cut into 4 parts. Spread each part into a long, baguette-like shape, and cut into finger-sized bits. Shape additionally each bit into a roll and put it on a pile, while sprinkling the flour between each bit.

Staviti vodu da proključa, dodati malo ulja i soli. Pripremiti đevđir. Kada voda provri, stavljati po šaku šufnudli da se kuvaju. Kada isplivaju, vaditi šupljikavom kašikom i stavljati u đevđir da se ocede. Nakon par minuta, dok se kuva sledeća tura, staviti oceđene valjuške u činiju sa spremnim pošećerenim makom, tj. orasima (odvojeno), dobro uvaljati i prebaciti u zasebnu činiju. Ponavljati proces dok se ne skuvaju sve šufnudle.

Place a pot of water on the stove to boil. Add a bit of salt and oil. Prepare a strainer and a straining spoon. Once the water is boiling, add the pastry, a handful at the time and let it cook. Once they emerge on the surface, they are done. Take them out with the straining spoon and put in the strainer to drain. After a couple of minutes, while another handful is cooking, put the strained pastry into the bowl with prepared ground poppy or walnuts (separately!) with sugar, coat them well and transfer to another bowl. Repeat the process until all the pastry is cooked.

Ne morate svu količinu skuvati odjednom, već deo možete staviti u zamrzivač.

You don't have to cook it all at once, instead, place a portion in the freezer and use later.