Ovo je jednostavan keks za koji vam nisu potrebne modle i njegova čar je upravo u rustičnoj nesavršenosti.
These simple cookies require no molds, and their beauty lies in the rustic imperfection.
220 gr putera1/2 šolje žutog šećera za testo, plus još toliko za valjanje
1/2 kašičice soli
1 jaje + 1 žumance
štapić vanile
1 kašika mlevenog đumbira
2-3 šolje brašna
220 gr butter
1/2 cup brown sugar, plus as much for dipping
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg + 1 yolk
1 vanilla pod
1 tablespoon of dry, ground ginger
2-3 cups plain flour
Puter utrljati u brašno, pa dodati sve suve sastojke i dobro sjediniti. Ne sipati svo brašno odjednom, već prvo pola, pa postepeno dodavati po potrebi. Dodati jaje i žumance, sjediniti, pa mesiti rukom. Kada testo bude kompaktno, staviti na ravnu, pobrašnjenu površinu i mesiti. Treba da je glatko i meko, ali dovoljno čvrsto da se ne lepi.
Rub the butter in the flour, then add all the dry ingredients and mix well. Do not use all the flour at once, use a half at first, and add more gradually. Add the egg and yolk, mix. Start kneading with one hand. Once the dough is compact, place it on a flat, floured surface, and knead. It should be smooth and soft, however solid enough not to be sticky.
Pripremiti dva pleha od rerne obložena peki-papirom, i tanjirić na koji ćemo sipati po malo žutog šećera. Kidati komadiće testa, praviti loptice pa ih spljeskati na dlanu. Položiti preko šećera, pa pritisnuti prstima. Staviti u pleh sa zašećerenom površinom na gore.
Prepare two baking trays with baking paper, and a small plate with a bit of brown sugar. Tear pieces of dough, roll them and flatten on the palm of your hand. Place over the sugar and press. Put on the baking tray with the sugared surface up.
Peći na 200 stepeni sa uključenim ventilatorom oko 20 minuta. Često proveravati, i izvaditi iz rerne kada lepo porumene i šećer odozgore se karamelizuje.
Bake at 200 degrees C with the fan on, for approximately 20 minutes. Check regularly, and take out of the oven as soon as the cookies get golden brown, and the sugar on the top is caramelized.
Čuvati u hermetički zatvorenoj posudi, mogu dugo da stoje. Služiti uz čaj ili kafu.
Keep them in an air-tight container, they will stay fresh for a long time. Serve with tea or coffee.