Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kuglof s rogačem * Carob Gugelhupf

Recept za kuglof na Balkan su doneli Austro-Ugari, a najviše se 'primio' u Sremskim Karlovcima, gde se i danas održava Kuglof festival. Moja verzija je zdrava, sa rogačem, kefirom i klicama.

The gugelhupf recipe was brought to the Balkans by the Austro-Hungarians, and it grew the deepest roots in Sremski Karlovci, a beautiful town in the north of Serbia, which still organizes the Gugelhupf Festival every year. My version is healthy, with carob, kefir and cereal germs.

350 gr brašna
50 gr pšeničnih ili ovsenih klica
1 paketić svežeg kvasca (40 gr)
4 manja jaja ili 3 veća
125 gr putera
150 ml toplog mleka
130 gr žutog šećera
1 štapić vanile
100 gr mlevenog rogača
200 ml kefira
malo rendane kore limuna ili narandže
šolja grožđica potopljenih preko noći u rumu
šolja seckanih oraha
prstohvat soli
šećer u prahu (na kraju)
350 gr plain flour
50 gr wheat or oat germs
40 gr fresh yeast
4 small eggs or 3 large ones
125 gr butter
150 ml warm milk
130 gr brown sugar
1 vanilla pod
100 gr ground carob
200 ml kefir
lemon or orange zest
a cup of raisins soaked overnight in rum
a cup of chopped walnuts
a pinch of salt
powdered sugar (for sprinking)

Smlačiti mleko i sipati preko izdrobljenog kvasca. Dodati malo šećera i ostaviti da naraste. U međuvremenu, pomešati sve suve sastojke i vanilu, pa utrljati puter (koji je malo odstojao na sobnoj temperaturi).

Warm up the milk and pour over the crumbled yeast. Add a teaspoon of sugar and let it rest. Meanwhile, mix all the dry ingredients and vanilla and rub in the butter (at room temperature). 

U suvoj smesi s puterom napraviti rupu na sredini, dodati mleko sa kvascem i razbiti cela jaja. Dobro umešati varjačom.

Make a well in the dry mixture with butter, and add milk with yeast and the eggs. Mix well with a spatula. 

Dodati kefir, pa ponovo izmešati. Potom sipati grožđice i orahe i izmešati. Smesa treba da je gustine kaše.

Add kefir and mix. Add raisins and walnuts and mix well. The mixture should have consistency of a porridge. 

Pokriti krpom i ostaviti da odstoji pola sata na toplom mestu. U međuvremenu uzeti komad putera i dobro namazati modlu za kuglof. Posuti kašikom ovsenih ili pšeničnih klica i, okrećući posudu, pustiti ih da se zalepe preko cele površine.

Cover with a cloth and leave it to rest for half an hour. Meanwhile, take a chunk of butter and spread it well all over the inside of the gugelhupf mold. Then add a spoonful of cereal germs and turn the mold, making sure it covers the entire surface.

Kad je testo odležalo, kašikom pažljivo i ravnomerno sipati u modlu. Opet ostaviti da odleži petnaestak minuta, pokriveno krpom.

Once the dough has rested, spoon it carefully and evenly into the mold. Again, let it rest for some fifteen minutes, covered with a cloth.

Zagrejati rernu na 180 stepeni C i peći 45 minuta. Proveriti kolač, ako se ivice odvajaju od modle, i ako ubodemo u sredinu drveni štapić ili nož a on ne bude lepljiv, znači da je kolač gotov.

Heat the oven at 180 degrees C for 45 minutes. Check the cake, if the edges started separating from the mold, and you insert a wooden stick or a knife in the middle, and it comes out clean, not sticky, the cake is ready. 

Staviti tanjir preko kuglofa, brzo prevrnuti u vazduhu i spustiti pa polako podići modlu.

Place a plate over the gugelhupf, turn upside-down in air, put it down and carefully lift the mold.

Posuti prah šećerom i sačekati da se prohladi pre sečenja.

Dust with powdered sugar and wait for it to cool down before cutting.

Služiti uz čaj ili kafu.

Serve with tea or coffee.