Ovo je 'ona' supa, supa bez koje se ne može zamisliti tradicionalni nedeljni ručak. Ja je zovem i 'lekovita supa', jer leči i telo i dušu.
This soup is a classic, a Sunday lunch must in Serbia. It fills your kitchen with childhood
memories, and whenever your are feeling unwell, give it a try, it has healing properties.
Sastojci za supu:
Dobar komad junetine sa koskom
Veza zeleni
1 manji celer ili pola većeg
1 veći beli krompir
1 manji crni luk
Kašika celerove soli
Kašičica bibera
Malo seckanog svežeg peršuna
Za griz-knedle:
Šoljica griza
1 jaje
Prstohvat soli
Malo ulja
Ingredients for the soup:
A good chunk of veal with a nice bone
Four carrots, two parsley roots and one parsnip
One small celery root, or a half of a larger one
One large white potato
One small onion
One tablespoon of celery salt (a mixture of ground dried celery and salt,
if you don't have it, then a teaspoon of plain salt will do)
A teaspoon of ground black pepper
Finely chopped fresh parsley leaves
For the dumplings:
Half a cup semolina
1 egg
A pinch of salt
A bit of plain oil
Oljuštiti povrće i oprati, a na luku ostaviti jedan sloj ljuske i samo odseći krajeve. Staviti sve sastojke (osim svežeg peršuna) u dovoljno dubok lonac, naliti običnom hladnom vodom tako da prekrije sve i staviti na ringlu, poklopljeno. Kada provri, smanjiti na najmanju vatru i kuvati poklopljeno sat vremena.
Peel and wash the vegetables, leave one layer of skin on the onion and just cut off the edges. Place all the ingredients (except the fresh parsley leaves) into a large pot, add plain cold water, enough to cover it all, put the lid on and place on the stove.
Once it boils, reduce the heat to lowest, and cook for one hour.
Nakon sat vremena proveriti meso - zabosti viljušku, i ako se meso lagano raspada, kuvano je. Ako još uvek deluje žilavo, nastaviti s kuvanjem. Ne mešati ništa da se povrće ne bi raspalo.
After an hour check the meat - stab it with a fork, and if it feels cooked and starts falling apart gently, it's cooked. If it still feels rubbery, keep cooking. Do not stir, you don't want to disturb the vegetables.
Once the meat is tender, remove the pot from the stove and let it rest for ten minutes.
Then sieve the broth carefully into another pot. Leave the lid on the pot with the meat and vegetables.
Then sieve the broth carefully into another pot. Leave the lid on the pot with the meat and vegetables.
Sad je vreme da se naprave griz-knedle. Razbiti jaje u dubok tanjir i ulupati viljuškom. Dodati kašičicu ulja, prstohvat soli i deo griza. Mešati u krug dok se smesa ne sjedini. Dodavati po malo griza i mešati, sve dok smesa ne postane polu-gusta, kad se prođe viljuškom po dnu, da ostane trag.
Now is the time for the dumplings: take a soup plate and break the egg. Whisk it with a fork until it's fluffy. Add a teaspoon of oil, a pinch of salt and half of the semolina. Stir until the mixture is even. Add more semolina and stir, until it's half-thick: when you run the fork through,it should leave a trace.
Staviti lonac sa proceđenom supom na ringlu da provri. Kada proključa, smanjiti vatru tako da vrlo lagano vri. Umočiti kašičicu u supu pa zahvatiti deo smese od griza i spustiti u supu. Ponoviti proces dok se ne potroši sva smesa.
Place the pot with the broth on the stove and let it boil, then reduce the heat and leave it simmering. Dip a teaspoon into the broth, then scoop a portion of the semolina mixture and place it gently into the broth. Repeat until all the mixture is used.
Kuvati poklopljeno na tihoj vatri, dok knedle ne narastu i omekšaju. Kada jednu probodemo viljuškom i osetimo da je meka, tada je gotovo. Dok se knedle kuvaju, iseckati sitno malo svežeg peršuna, i izvaditi kuvano meso i povrće na tanjir i poklopiti da se ne ohladi. Jednu kuvanu šargarepu iseckati na kolutiće.
Let it simmer with the lid on, until the dumplings increase in size and get soft.
You'll know they are done when you pierce one with a fork and it feels soft.
Meanwhile, finely chop the parsley leaves, and put the cooked meat and vegetables on a large plate and cover it so it doesn't get cold. Take one boiled carrot and chop it.
Once the dumplings are done, remove the pot from the stove, add the chopped parsley leaves and carrot to the soup, and serve with the plate of meat, vegetables and some grated horseradish.