Ovo prelepo tradicionalno jelo sprema se u proleće od korovske biljke. Zelje je obično samoniklo, raste u polju, uz puteve i stazice. Latinski naziv mu je rumex patientia. Koristili su ga stari Grci i Rimljani a kasnije i Sloveni, po dolasku na Balkan. Bogato je vitaminima A i C, gvožđem, fosforom, kalcijumom, kalijumom i folnom kiselinom. A sarmicama daje jedinstven ukus.
This beautiful, traditional dish is prepared in Spring, with monk's rhubab, a wild plant that grows in fields, along roads and paths. Its Latin name is rumex patientia. It was used by ancient Greeks and Romans, and later Slavs, when they arrived to the Balkan Peninsula. It is rich in vitamins A and C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and folic acid. And it has a specific taste that makes these little sarmas unique.
550 gr mlevene junetine
5 bogatih veza zelja (sa po 6-7 listova u svakoj)
činija belog pirinča
1 veći praziluk
3 struka mladog belog luka (ili glavica običnog)
1 ljuta paprika
so, biber, ulje, aleva paprika
550 gr finely gound beef
30-35 monk's rhubarb leaves
a bowl of white rice
1 big leek
3 spring garlic stalks (or one mature garlic)
1 chili pepper
salt, pepper, oil, finely ground paprika
Potrebno je pripremiti zelje tako što ćemo pažljivo zaseći drške i dobro ga oprati. Potom staviti sve listove u veću posudu i preliti ključalom vodom. Ostaviti 5 minuta pa ocediti.
The monk's rhubarb leaves need to be prepared by removing the stem diagonally, and very carefully, lest you damage the leaf. Then wash them and put in a large dish. Add boiling water, leave for five minutes and drain.
Iseckati praziluk, mladi beli luk i papričicu. Staviti tiganj na jaku vatru, dodati malo ulja, pa sipati luk i beli luk, kratko propržiti i dodati mleveno meso. Smanjiti vatru i sitniti meso varjačom kako bi se razdvojilo i propržilo. Potom dodati so i biber. Oprati pirinač i dodati u meso, propržiti još oko 5 minuta. Dodati papričicu i kašiku aleve paprike. Dobro promešati i skloniti s vatre.
Chop the leeks, garlic and chili. Put a skillet on a stove plate, turn on the heat to maximum, add a bit of oil, followed by leeks and garlic. Fry briefly, add the ground beef. Reduce the heat and use a wooden spoon to break the meat and mix it with the leeks and garlic. Add salt and pepper. Wash the rice, add it to the meat, fry for additional five minutes. Add chopped chili and a tablespoon of ground paprika. Mix well and remove from the hot plate.
Kad je fil spreman, staviti pažljivo jedan list zelja na dasku, zavrnuti najširi kraj, staviti kašiku fila i saviti stranice. Potom urolati i staviti u zemljanu posudu u koju smo prethodno dodali malo ulja na dno i preko njega stavili par listova zelja.
Once the filling is ready, carefully put one leaf of monk's rhubarb on a wooden board, fold the widest end, put a spoonful of filling in the middle and fold the edges over it. Roll it and place into an earthenware dish, to which you have already added a bit of oil and placed a couple of monk's rhubarb leaves on the bottom.
Ponoviti proces dok ne utrošimo sav fil.
Repeat the process until you have used all the filling.
Pripremiti činiju u koju ćemo sipati 2 kašike aleve paprike, malo soli i pola litre vode. Sve izmešati pa preliti preko sarmica. Ako treba, doliti još vode, da pokrije sve sarmice. Preko vrha dodati nekoliko listova zelja.
In a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of finely ground paprika, a pinch of salt and 1/2 liter water. Mix and pour over the sarmas in the dish. If needed, add more water, to cover all the sarmas. Place several monk's rhubarb leaves over the top.
Pokriti posudu folijom. Staviti u hladnu rernu, uključiti na 100 stepeni pa polako pojačavati do 180. Peći 45 minuta. Potom skinuti foliju pa peći još 20 minuta na 200 stepeni.
Cover the dish with tinfoil. Put it into a cold oven, turn it on at 100 degrees Celsius and gradually increase to 180. Bake for 45 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for 20 more minutes at 200 degrees.
Služiti uz svež kefir ili jogurt, mladi luk i svež beli hleb.
Serve with fresh kefir or Greek yoghurt, spring onions and white bread.