Friday, March 25, 2016

Zapečena boranija * Runner Beans Casserole

Evo jednostavnog i zdravog obroka koji se lako priprema.

Here's a simple and healthy meal, easy to prepare.

500 gr smrznute zelene boranije
3 jaja
šolja kefira ili jogurta
2 struka mladog belog luka
2 kašike griza, od heljde, spelte ili pšenice (ili miks)
so, biber i tucana sudžuk paprika
malo susama za posipanje
500 gr frozen, green runner beans
3 eggs
a cup of kefir or greek yogurt
2 spring garlic sprouts
2 tablespoons of semolina, buckwheat, spelt or wheat (or mix)
salt, pepper, coarsely ground chili
a bit of sesame seeds

Ulupati jaja, dodati griz i izmešati. Dodati kefir i začine, sjediniti i sipati preko boranije. Dodati seckani beli luk, sve izmešati i sipati u posude za pečenje, po mogućstvu zemljane. Posuti susamom.

Beat the eggs, add semolina and mix. Add kefir and spices, mix and pour over the runner beans. Add chopped garlic sprouts, mix well and pour into earthenware baking dishes. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Staviti u hladnu rernu, uključiti na 100 stepeni i postepeno pojačavati do 180. Od trenutka kada rerna dostigne 180, peći 45 minuta, dok lepo ne porumeni na vrhu.

Place in a cold oven, turn on at 100 degrees Celsius, and gradually increase to 180. From the moment the temperature reaches 180 degrees, bake for 45 minutes, until the casserole becomes slightly brown on the surface.

Služiti sa grilovanom piletinom.

Serve with grilled chicken.