Monday, May 16, 2016

Taljatele sa piletinom, šampinjonima i blitvom * Tagliatelle with Chicken, Mushrooms and Swiss Chard

Ako se žurite, a ipak biste želeli da pripremite kvalitetan obrok, evo jednog brzog jela.

If you are in a hurry, and still want to prepare a fine meal, this will be ready in no time.

6 'smotuljaka' taljatela
pola pilećeg belog mesa
4 veća šampinjona
veza blitve
beli luk
celerova so
kašičica brašna
i na kraju:
     nekoliko maslina
     komad kačkavalja
6 rolls of tagliatelle
1/2 chicken breast
4 larger white mushrooms
6-7 Swiss chard leaves
celery salt
a teaspoon of plain flour
and for garnish:
several olives     
a piece of cheese     

Oprati blitvu i pečurke, očistiti beli luk. Iseckati beli luk na tanke kolutiće, a pečurke i belo meso na kockice. Blitvu iseći na šire rezance.

Wash the chard and mushrooms and peel the garlic. Thinly slice the garlic, and dice the chicken and mushrooms. Coarsely chop the chard. 

Staviti taljatele da se kuvaju prema uputstvu na pakovanju. U dublji tiganj sipati malo ulja, zagrejati i dodati beli luk. Na kratko propržiti pa dodati belo meso. Propržiti pa dodati pečurke i pržiti još minut.
Dodati začine i malo vode (4-5 kašika), poklopiti i dinstati par minuta. 

Boil the tagliatelle according to instructions on the pack. Place a skillet on the stove and add a bit of oil. Add the garlic and fry briefly. Add the chicken and stir-fry. Finally add the mushrooms, fry for another minute. Add the spices and a bit of water (4-5 tablespoons), cover and let it simmer for a couple of minutes.

Potom dodati blitvu, poklopiti i ostaviti na tihoj vatri. Povremeno promešati. 

Add the Swiss chard, cover and let it simmer. Stir occasionally.

Kad blitva svene, otklopiti, malo pojačati vatru i pustiti višak vode da ispari. Kašičicu brašna razmutiti u malo hladne vode, dodati varivu i mešati. Kuvati dok gustina sosa ne bude zadovoljavajuća.

Once the chard wilts, remove the lid, increase the heat a bit and let the excess water evaporate. Dissolve a teaspoon of flour in a bit of cold water, add to the sauce and stir. Once the thickness of the sauce is right, remove from the plate.

Dodati kuvane taljatele, promešati, servirati u činiju, dodati nekoliko maslina i naribati kačkavalja.

Add the boiled tagliatelle, stir, serve in a bowl, add several olives and grate some cheese on the top.