Ako preteknu, ostaju sveži nekoliko dana.
Unless they all disappear right away, they will stay fresh for a couple of days.
250 gr putera1/2 šolje (od 250ml) kristal šećera
1 šolja tamnog šećera
2 jaja
aroma vanile ili vanilin šećer
2 šolje belog brašna
1 kašičica sode bikarbone
1/2 kašičice praška za pecivo
1/2 kašičice soli
2 šolje ovsenih pahuljica
200 grama čokolade za kuvanje, sitno seckane, ili čokoladnih mrvica
250 g butter
1/2 cup (250 ml) white sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar
2 eggs
vanilla aroma
2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups rolled oats
200 g cooking chocolate (or chocolate chips)
Puter koji je odstojao na na sobnoj temperaturi staviti u posudu za mešanje, dodati sav šećer i sjediniti. Dodati jednu šolju brašna, umešati viljuškom, pa razbiti dva jaja i izmešati.
Place the butter at room temperature in a mixing bowl and add all the sugar. Mix and add a cup of flour, stir with a fork, add two eggs and mix.
Dodati preostalu šolju brašna, vanilu, prašak za pecivo i sodu bikarbonu i so.
Add the remaining cup of flour, vanilla aroma, baking powder and soda and salt.
Sipati sve ovsene pahuljice, umesiti rukom, pa iseckati čokoladu, dodati testu i još malo umesiti da se čokolada dobro rasporedi.
Add all the rolled oats, mix well with a hand. Chop the chocolate (unless you have chocolate chips already), add it to the dough and knead more in the bowl, so that the chocolate is well distributed.
Uključiti rernu na 175 stepeni, i staviti peki-papir na pleh. Kašičicom vaditi testo i ređati na pleh, ostavljajući pritom dovoljno prostora između jer će keks narasti. Peći 12 minuta, ostaviti da se potpuno ohlade pre služenja.
Turn the oven on at 175 degrees and line the tray with baking paper. Scoop the dough with a teaspoon and place on the tray, leaving enough space for it to rise. Bake for 12 minutes and let the cookies cool completely before serving.