Danas putujemo na daleki istok. Kari je izuzetno zdrava smeša začina koja povoljno deluje na digestivni sistem. Na Šri Lanki, gde je u redovnoj upotrebi, skoro da nema obolelih od raka debelog creva. Smeša za kari sadrži korijander, kumin, komorač, kurkumu, cimet, karanfilčić, kardamom, rampe i sušeni list karija.
Today we travel East. Curry powder is a very healthy mixture of spices with a favourable effect on the digestive system. In Sri Lanka, where it is consumed regularly, there are almost no cases of colon cancer. The curry mixture contains coriander, cumin, fennel, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, rampe and dried curry leaves.
1/2 kg ćurećih grudi, iseckanih na kockice
veća glavica
crnog luka ili dve manje
pola glavice
belog luka ili tri struka mladog belog (ako koristimo stari, onda dodati i komad praziluka na kraju)
300 ml kokosovog
mleka (može u prahu ili iz konzerve)
oko 1 kašika kokosovog
ulja, nerafinisanog
1 kocka za supu
(pileća ili povrtna)
3 šargarepe
iseckane ukoso
(po želji, može i jedan krompir seckan na kockice)
kari začin (za meso da se uvalja, plus kašičica)
komad (veličine oko 1 cm) rendanog, svežeg đumbira (kad nema, poslužiće i onaj u prahu)
seme slačice, kašičica
biber, po ukusu
kašičica celerove soli
tucana sudžuk paprika
par grančica matičnjaka (može i sušenog), iseckanog
štapić cimeta
šolja kuvanog bašmati pirinča po osobi
1/2 turkey breasts, cubed
one large or two small onions
1/2 garlic, or three garlic sprouts (if we are using plain garlic, add a piece of leek)
300 ml coconut milk (canned or powdered)
approx. 1 tablespoon of non refined coconut oil
1 bouillon cube, chicken or vegetable
3 carrots cut diagonally
(one potato, cubed, as desired)
curry powder (to wrap the meat, plus a teaspoon)
a piece (approx. 1 cm long) of ground fresh ginger, or a teaspoon of powdered ginger
mustard seed, a teaspoon
a teaspoon of celery salt
coarsely ground chili
a couple of lemon balm springs, fresh or dried, chopped
one cinnamon stick
a cup of cooked basmati rice per person
Meso treba dobro uvaljati u kari začin i ostaviti da odstoji u frižideru, najbolje preko noći. Oprati i oljuštiti povrće, crni luk i vrhove belog sitno iseckati. Zeleni deo mladog belog luka, bez pera, iseći ukoso u komade. Ako koristimo stari beli luk, onda dodati komad praziluka isečenog ukoso. Isto tako iseći i šargarepu. Oljuštiti đumbir i sitno narendati.
Wrap the meat abundantly with curry powder and leave in the fridge, if possible overnight. Wash and peel the vegetables, finely chop the onion and the tips of the garlic sprouts. Cut the green bit of the garlic sprout (the body, not the leaves), diagonally, and if we are using plain garlic, then replace this bit with a piece of leek cut diagonally into pieces. Cut the carrots in the same manner. Peel and finely grate the ginger root.
U vok sipati kašiku kokosovog ulja, rastopiti pa propržiti meso.
Melt a tablespoon of coconut oil in a wok and stir-fry the meat.
Kada meso porumeni, presuti ga u tanjir, dodati u vok još malo ulja pa propržiti luk.
Once the meat gets brown, move it onto a plate, add a bit more oil into the wok and fry the onion and garlic.
Dodati još malo kari začina i propržiti.
Add a bit more curry powder and fry it.
Dodati kokosovo mleko i ostale začine (osim matičnjaka). Pustiti da lagano provri.
Add coconut milk and the rest of the spices (apart from the lemon balm). Let it simmer.
Vratiti meso u vok.
Put the meat back in the wok.
Dodati šargarepu, poklopiti i krčkati nekih 20 minuta. U međuvremenu, staviti bašmati pirinač zasebno da se kuva.
Add the carrots, cover and simmer for some 20 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the basmati rice separately.
Potom u kari dodati matičnjak i seckani zeleni deo mladog belog luka, ili praziluk.
Add the lemon balm and the chopped green garlic sprout bit, or leeks to the curry.
Krčkati još petnaestak minuta. Proveriti meso, ako je meko, kari je gotov.
Simmer for fifteen more minutes. Check the meat, if it's soft, the curry is ready.
Sipati bašmati pirinča u sredinu činije, pa preliti karijem.
Place basmati rice in center of the bowl and pour curry over it.