Danas pravim majmunski hleb, i sladak i slani, ali umesto u kalup za kuglof stavljam ga u modlice za mafine. Na taj način dobijam po 6 lepih, slanih i slatkih užina.
I'm making monkey bread today, sweet and savoury. However, instead of a large mold, I'm baking them in separate muffin cups. Thus I am getting 6 sweet and 6 savoury snacks.
1 suvi kvasac razmućen u 2 dl tople vode sa prstohvatom šećerakašika žutog šećera
2 kašike prirodnog, nerafinisanog kokosovog ulja
1 jaje
1/2 kašičice soli
500 gr belog brašna, plus još malo za premešavanje
i još:
za slatke hlepčiće
javorov sirup
za slane hlepčiće
maslinovo ulje
8-9 seckanih suvih crnih maslina bez koščice
10 g dry yeast dissolved in 200 ml warm water with a pinch of sugar
a tablespoon of brown sugar
2 tablespoons non refined coconut oil
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
500 g plain flour, plus a little bit more for later
for sweet monkeys
maple syrup
for savoury monkeys
olive oil
8-9 chopped pitted dry black olives
Kada kvasac nadođe, sipati ga u posudu u kojoj je već pomešano brašno, šećer i so. Dodati jaje i umutiti varjačom.
Once the yeast grows, pour it in a mixing bowl already containing the mixed flour, sugar and salt. Add an egg and stir well with a spoon.
Sipati ulje u šaku, pa umesiti rukom u testo. Oblikovati u loptu i ostaviti najmanje pola sata u posudi, pokriveno krpom, da naraste.
Pour the coconut oil in the palm of the hand, and knead the dough. Shape it into a ball and let it rest for at least half an hour, covered with a cloth.
Pripremiti kalup za mafine i papirne korpice. Kada testo naraste, posuti dasku brašnom i razmesiti ga. Podeliti nožem na pola.
Prepare a muffin tin and baking cups. Once the dough rises, sift some flour onto a board and knead. Cut it in half with a knife.
Jednu polovinu testa iseckati na komadiće. Svaki komadić umočiti u maslinovo ulje, posuti s malo ruzmarina i staviti u papirnu korpicu. Između staviti po par komadića seckanih maslina. Ponavljati proces dok ne potrošimo sve komadiće testa kojima ćemo napuniti 6 korpica. U svaku korpicu bi trebalo staviti 4-5 komadića, pa je najbolje unapred izdeliti komadiće na zasebne gomilice.
Cut one half of the dough into small pieces. Dip each piece into the olive oil, sprinkle with rosemary and place in the paper cup. Place several pieces of chopped dry olive between them. Repeat the process until all the pieces are used and 6 cups filled. Each cup should contain 4-5 pieces of dough, so it is wise to plan ahead and separate the pieces into small piles.
Sad prelazimo na slatke hlepčiće. Preostalu polovinu testa opet iseći na komadiće, i po istom principu umakati prvo u javorov sirup, pa posuti cimetom i ređati u korpice.
And now the sweet monkeys. Cut the remaining dough into pieces, and, using the same principle, dip them in the maple syrup first, then sprinkle with cinnamon and place into paper cups.
Kad su sve korpice napunjene, uključiti rernu na 180 stepeni, i dok se rerna greje, testo će taman još malo da naraste.
Once all the cups are filled, turn the oven on to 180 degrees C, and while it is heating up, the dough will have some time to rise a bit more.
Peći 25-30 minuta, dok hlepčići ne porumene. Ostaviti par minuta da odstoje pa servirati. Slatke hlepčiće odmah izvaditi iz korpica, jer će se zalepiti za papir kad se ohlade.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the monkeys get golden brown. Let them rest for a couple of minutes before serving. Remove the sweet monkeys from the baking cups immediately, since it will be much more difficult once they get cold.