Evo jedne pogače koja je rezultat trenutne inspiracije, ali sa dubokim korenima u balkanskoj kuhinji.
Here's a result of a moment of inspiration, however deeply rooted in the Balkan tradition.
250 gr belog brašna250 gr kukuruznog brašna sa potočare
1 jaje
1 suvi kvasac
80 gr tvrdog kozjeg sira
600 ml domaćeg kefira
80 ml kvalitetnog maslinovog ulja
manja glavica belog luka
250 gr očišćenog spanaća
prstohvat soli, prstohvat žutog šećera
susam za posipanje
250 g plain flour
250 g corn flour from a traditional water mill
1 egg
10 g dry yeast
80 g old, white goat cheese
600 ml home made kefir
80 ml good quality olive oil
a small garlic
250 g spinach leaves
a pinch of salt, a pinch of brown sugar
sesame seeds
Pomešati belo i kukuruzno brašno, dodati suvi kvasac, prstohvat šećera i soli, kefir i ulje i dobro izmešati. Dodati jaje i sve sjediniti.
Mix plain with corn flour, add dry yeast, a pinch of salt and sugar, kefir and oil and mix well. Add the egg and mix.
Ostaviti smesu sa strane, pokrivenu krpom. Iseckati sitno svež i očišćen spanać.
Set the batter aside, covered with a cloth. Finely chop the fresh, cleaned spinach.
Izgnječiti beli luk i sir i dodati u smesu.
Mash the garlic and cheese and add to the batter.
Podmazati okruglu tepsiju uljem. Uključiti rernu na 180 stepeni.
Grease a round baking tray (30cm in diameter) with oil. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees C.
Dodati spanać u smesu i dobro izmešati, pa preručiti sve u tepsiju.
Add the chopped spinach to the batter, mix well and pour in the baking tray.
Peći 55 minuta, prvo na 180 stepeni, a poslednjih 10 minuta na 200,
Bake for 55 minutes, first at 180 degrees, and for the last 10 minutes increase to 200.