Monday, July 18, 2016

Bakini cimet-bademi * Granny's Cinnamon Almonds

Ovaj jednostavan, starinski keks nas vodi u detinjstvo.

This simple, old-fashioned cookie will give you childhood nostalgia.

200 gr putera
2 kašike tamnog šećera
3 kašike kristal šećera
2 jaja
rendana korica limuna
½ praška za pecivo
kašika cimeta
oko 400 gr brašna
sirovi badem
prah šećer

200 g butter
2 tablespoons brown sugar
3 tablespoons white sugar
2 eggs
lemon zest
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
approximately 400 g plain flour
raw almonds
powdered sugar

Umutiti puter sa šećerom, pa dodati jaja i sjediniti. Dodati pola mere brašna, zajedno sa praškom za pecivo, cimetom, koricom limuna, pa dobro umutiti varjačom. Potom mesiti rukom, dodavajući brašna po potrebi dok testo ne prestane da se lepi, ali i dalje ostane meko.

Mix the butter with sugar, add the eggs and stir. Add half of the flour, together with the baking powder, cinnamon, lemon zest, and mix well with a spoon. Then knead with a hand, adding the flour gradually, until the dough stops being sticky, but is still soft and light.

Obložiti pleh peki-papirom i uključiti rernu na 200 stepeni. Od testa praviti kuglice veličine oraha, pa u svaku utisnuti po jedan badem. Peći 20 minuta i odmah bogato uvaljati u prah šećer.

Line the baking tray with paper and turn the oven on at 200 degrees C. Make walnut-size balls from the dough and press an almond into each. Bake for 20 minutes and wrap lavishly in powdered sugar.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Salata sa šparglama i gamborima * Asparagus Shrimp Salad

Ovo je jedna prava letnja, osvežavajuća salata i pritom vrlo zdrav i ukusan obrok.

This is a perfect summer, refreshing salad, and a very healthy and tasty meal.


Nekoliko listića zelene salate, bilo koje vrste
5-6 špargli
100 grama gambora
pola tikvice isečene na kolutove
     za preliv:
1 kašičica meda
malo bibera
prstohvat soli
sok od pola limete

Several leaves of lettuce, any kind
5-6 asparagus stalks
100 g shrimps
½ courgette, sliced
for the dressing:     
1 teaspoon honey
black pepper
a pinch of salt
juice of ½ lime

Oprati špargle i odstraniti drvenasti deo, pa ostatak iseći na tri dela. Tikvicu iseći na kolutove debljine prsta. Oprati gambore. Sipati kašiku susamovog ulja u tiganj i na umereno jakoj vatri na brzinu propržiti špargle i tikvicu.

Wash the asparagus and remove the bottom of the stalk and cut the rest into three parts. Cut the courgette into finger-thick slices. Wash the shrimps. Put a spoonful of sesame oil in a pan and briefly fry the asparagus and courgette.

Na tanjir staviti seckano lišće salate i pripremiti preliv od navedenih sastojaka. Kad tikvice i špargle blago porumene, staviti ih preko lišća salate pa u isti tiganj dodati još malo susamovog ulja i propržiti gambore.

Place chopped lettuce leaves on a plate and prepare the dressing from the given ingredients. Once the courgette and asparagus get lightly golden in colour, place them over the lettuce leaves. Add some more sesame oil in the pan and stir-fry the shrimps.

Staviti gambore preko špargli i tikvice, preliti pripremljenim prelivom.

Place the shrimps over the asparagus and courgette, pour the dressing over.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Ljuta orijentalna supa * Spicy Oriental Soup

Ova supa koja se brzo sprema, idealna je za hladne dane i lečenje prehlade. Intenzitet ljutine može se dozirati po želji, kao i sastojci.

This soup, quick to prepare, is ideal for cold days and an excellent cure for sore throat. The spiciness can be dosed to taste, and the ingredients may vary.


tom yam pasta, 2 kašike
mleveni čili u susamovom ulju (po želji)
susamovo ulje
kocka za supu
komadić rendanog đumbira
glavica belog luka
200 gr gambora
5-6 pečuraka po želji (može i sušenih, ali ih prethodno potopiti)
4 mlade šargarepe
komad praziluka veličine prsta
10ak listića bok-čoija, ili nekog drugog zeleniša
kineske knedlice (dumplings) ili rezanci, pirinčani rezanci... po želji
sok limete

tom yam paste, 2 tablespoons
crushed chili in sesame oil (to taste)
sesame oil
soup cube
a piece of grated fresh ginger
1 garlic
200 g shrimps
5-6 mushrooms, any kind (if using dried, soak them first)
4 baby carrots
a small piece of leek
approx. 10 leaves of bok choi or similar leafy greens
dumplings or noodles, to taste
lime juice

Povrće oprati i oljuštiti. Oprati gambore. Pečurke iseckati na listiće. Šargarepu zaseći po dužini pa iseckati ukoso. Beli luk oljuštiti i izgnječiti. Staviti šerpu na vatru, dodati kašiku susamovog ulja i izgnječeni beli luk. Na kratko propržiti. Dodati tom yam pastu, promešati pa odmah dodati gambore i na kratko propržiti.

Wash and peel the vegetables. Wash the shrimps. Slice the mushrooms. Cut the carrots lengthwise, then slice diagonally. Peel and crush the garlic. Place a pot on the stove, add a tablespoon of sesame oil and the garlic. Fry briefly. Add the tom yam paste, stir and add the shrimps immediately and fry. 

Dodati pečurke, propržiti, ako treba doliti malo vode. Staviti svu seckanu šargarepu, oko pola kašičice čilija u susamovom ulju, ili više po želji, rendani đumbir, kocku za supu, pa sipati oko litar vode.

Add the mushrooms, stir-fry, and add a bit of water if needed. Place all the carrots, approximately ½ teaspoon of chili in sesame oil (or more, to taste), the grated ginger, the soup cube and top with approximately 1 liter of water.

Ovde koristim kineske knedlice koje se kuvaju 10 minuta, tako da ih stavljam odmah u supu. Ako koristite rezance, najbolje je da ih skuvate ili poparite odvojeno i naknadno dodate supi, kako se ne bi prekuvali.

I am using dumplings here which should be cooked for 10 minutes, so I am adding them to the soup immediately. If you are using noodles, boil or steam them separately and add to the finished soup, so as not to overcook them.

Kuvati na tihoj vatri 10 minuta, skinuti sa vatre, dodati bok čoi i tanko seckane kolutiće praziluka, poklopiti i ostaviti da odstoji koji minut.

Simmer for approximately 10 minutes, remove from the stove, add the bok choi and thin slices of the leek, cover and let it rest  for a couple of minutes.

Servirati dok je vruće, po želji začiniti sokom od limete.

Serve while hot, seasoned with lime juice.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Zelena projara * Green Corn bread

Sjajan dodatak obroku ili užina, naročito uz svež kefir ili jogurt.

An excellent addition to a meal or a snack which goes well with kefir or plain yogurt.

3 jaja
300 ml kefira ili jogurta
140 gr kozjeg sira
100 gr bebi-spanaća
3 čena belog luka
Prašak za pecivo
½ kašičice soli
Malo crnog bibera
1 šolja običnog brašna
½ šolje kukuruznog griza
1/3 šolje ulja
Susam za posipanje

3 eggs
300 ml kefir or plain yogurt
140 g goat cheese
100 g baby spinach
3 garlic cloves
10 g baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
A bit of ground black pepper
1 cup plain flour
½ cup polenta flour
1/3 cup oil
Sesame to top

Umutiti 3 jaja pa dodati šolju brašna sa praškom za pecivo i solju. Izmešati, dodati kefir i mleveni biber pa dobro umutiti.

Mix 3 eggs and add a cup of flour with baking powder and salt. Mix, add kefir and ground pepper and continue mixing.

Sipati ½ šolje palente i 1/3 šolje ulja, izmiksati, pa dodati izgnječeni beli luk, izdrobljeni sir i ugrubo seckani svež mladi spanać (ako koristimo stari spanać, treba ga prethodno blanširati).

Pour ½ cup polenta flour (corn semolina) and 1/3 cup oil, mix and add crushed garlic, crumbled cheese and roughly chopped baby spinach (if you are using plain spinach, you need to boil it briefly first).

Zagrejati rernu na 180 stepeni. Podmazati pleh i sipati smesu, pa posuti susamom. Peći 35-40 minuta, dok lepo ne porumeni i ivice počnu da se odvajaju od pleha.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees C. Grase the tin and pour the batter and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until it becomes nicely golden and the edges start separating from the tin.