Ova supa koja
se brzo sprema, idealna je za hladne dane i lečenje prehlade. Intenzitet
ljutine može se dozirati po želji, kao i sastojci.
This soup,
quick to prepare, is ideal for cold days and an excellent cure for sore throat.
The spiciness can be dosed to taste, and the ingredients may vary.
tom yam pasta,
2 kašike
mleveni čili u
susamovom ulju (po želji)
susamovo ulje
kocka za supu
rendanog đumbira
glavica belog
200 gr gambora
5-6 pečuraka
po želji (može i sušenih, ali ih prethodno potopiti)
4 mlade
praziluka veličine prsta
10ak listića
bok-čoija, ili nekog drugog zeleniša
knedlice (dumplings) ili rezanci, pirinčani rezanci... po želji
sok limete
tom yam paste,
2 tablespoons
crushed chili
in sesame oil (to taste)
sesame oil
soup cube
a piece of
grated fresh ginger
1 garlic
200 g shrimps
5-6 mushrooms,
any kind (if using dried, soak them first)
4 baby carrots
a small piece of
approx. 10
leaves of bok choi or similar leafy greens
dumplings or
noodles, to taste
lime juice
Povrće oprati
i oljuštiti. Oprati gambore. Pečurke iseckati na listiće. Šargarepu zaseći po
dužini pa iseckati ukoso. Beli luk oljuštiti i izgnječiti. Staviti šerpu na
vatru, dodati kašiku susamovog ulja i izgnječeni beli luk. Na kratko propržiti.
Dodati tom yam pastu, promešati pa odmah dodati gambore i na kratko propržiti.
Wash and peel
the vegetables. Wash the shrimps. Slice the mushrooms. Cut the carrots
lengthwise, then slice diagonally. Peel and crush the garlic. Place a pot on
the stove, add a tablespoon of sesame oil and the garlic. Fry briefly. Add the
tom yam paste, stir and add the shrimps immediately and fry.
pečurke, propržiti, ako treba doliti malo vode. Staviti svu seckanu šargarepu,
oko pola kašičice čilija u susamovom ulju, ili više po želji, rendani đumbir,
kocku za supu, pa sipati oko litar vode.
Add the
mushrooms, stir-fry, and add a bit of water if needed. Place all the carrots,
approximately ½ teaspoon of chili in sesame oil (or more, to taste), the grated
ginger, the soup cube and top with approximately 1 liter of water.
Ovde koristim
kineske knedlice koje se kuvaju 10 minuta, tako da ih stavljam odmah u supu.
Ako koristite rezance, najbolje je da ih skuvate ili poparite odvojeno i
naknadno dodate supi, kako se ne bi prekuvali.
I am using
dumplings here which should be cooked for 10 minutes, so I am adding them to
the soup immediately. If you are using noodles, boil or steam them separately
and add to the finished soup, so as not to overcook them.
Kuvati na
tihoj vatri 10 minuta, skinuti sa vatre, dodati bok čoi i tanko seckane
kolutiće praziluka, poklopiti i ostaviti da odstoji koji minut.
Simmer for
approximately 10 minutes, remove from the stove, add the bok choi and thin
slices of the leek, cover and let it rest
for a couple of minutes.
Servirati dok
je vruće, po želji začiniti sokom od limete.
Serve while hot, seasoned with lime juice.