Friday, July 1, 2016

Zelena projara * Green Corn bread

Sjajan dodatak obroku ili užina, naročito uz svež kefir ili jogurt.

An excellent addition to a meal or a snack which goes well with kefir or plain yogurt.

3 jaja
300 ml kefira ili jogurta
140 gr kozjeg sira
100 gr bebi-spanaća
3 čena belog luka
Prašak za pecivo
½ kašičice soli
Malo crnog bibera
1 šolja običnog brašna
½ šolje kukuruznog griza
1/3 šolje ulja
Susam za posipanje

3 eggs
300 ml kefir or plain yogurt
140 g goat cheese
100 g baby spinach
3 garlic cloves
10 g baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
A bit of ground black pepper
1 cup plain flour
½ cup polenta flour
1/3 cup oil
Sesame to top

Umutiti 3 jaja pa dodati šolju brašna sa praškom za pecivo i solju. Izmešati, dodati kefir i mleveni biber pa dobro umutiti.

Mix 3 eggs and add a cup of flour with baking powder and salt. Mix, add kefir and ground pepper and continue mixing.

Sipati ½ šolje palente i 1/3 šolje ulja, izmiksati, pa dodati izgnječeni beli luk, izdrobljeni sir i ugrubo seckani svež mladi spanać (ako koristimo stari spanać, treba ga prethodno blanširati).

Pour ½ cup polenta flour (corn semolina) and 1/3 cup oil, mix and add crushed garlic, crumbled cheese and roughly chopped baby spinach (if you are using plain spinach, you need to boil it briefly first).

Zagrejati rernu na 180 stepeni. Podmazati pleh i sipati smesu, pa posuti susamom. Peći 35-40 minuta, dok lepo ne porumeni i ivice počnu da se odvajaju od pleha.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees C. Grase the tin and pour the batter and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until it becomes nicely golden and the edges start separating from the tin.