Ako želite da impresionirate goste, napravite im ovaj aromatični mezetluk. Odlično ide uz prepečeni hleb s maslinovim uljem i belim lukom.
If you want to impress
your guests, prepare this aromatic Mediterranean ’meze’ kind of starter. It is
fantastic with garlic bread.
Potrebni sastojci:
Desetak zrelih smokava
Zreli kozji sir, što kvalitetniji
2 kašike maslinovog ulja
2 kašike meda
2 kašike balzamiko sirćeta
malo vode
Approximately ten ripe
Good quality, hard goat
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
a bit of water
Zagrejte tiganj, dodajte maslinovo ulje. Smokve isecite na pola.
Heat up a skillet, add
olive oil. Chop the figs in halves.
Poređajte smokve na zagrejano ulje, prvo rasečenom stranom na dole. Lepo složite da sve stanu. Kada zacvrče, dodajte malo vode (par kašika) i dinstajte par minuta. Okrenite smokve pa dodajte sirće balzamiko i još malo dinstajte.
Distribute the figs
neatly, cut side facing down first, on the heated and oiled skillet. Once they start
sizzling, add a bit of water (2 tablespoons) and let simmer for a couple of
minutes. Turn the figs and pour balsamic vinegar over the them. Keep simmering.
Kad malo omekšaju, ali nikako da se raspadnu, prelijte ih medom razblaženim jednom kašikom vode. Ostavite da kontrolisano vri dok se sok ne ukuva i postane gust i lepljiv.
Once they are soft, but
still compact, add the honey dissolved with 1 tablespoon of water. Leave it to
simmer and watch for the juice to thicken.
Servirati preko kriški sira, po želji posuti malo maslinovim uljem i sokom u kom su se kuvale smokve.
Serve on the top of
cheese, sprinkle with olive oil and the thickened juice in which the figs cooked.