Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Karamelizovane smokve s kozjim sirom * Caramelized Figs with Goat Cheese

Ako želite da impresionirate goste, napravite im ovaj aromatični mezetluk. Odlično ide uz prepečeni hleb s maslinovim uljem i belim lukom.

If you want to impress your guests, prepare this aromatic Mediterranean ’meze’ kind of starter. It is fantastic with garlic bread.

Potrebni sastojci:

Desetak zrelih smokava
Zreli kozji sir, što kvalitetniji
2 kašike maslinovog ulja
2 kašike meda
2 kašike balzamiko sirćeta
malo vode

Approximately ten ripe figs
Good quality, hard goat cheese
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
a bit of water

Zagrejte tiganj, dodajte maslinovo ulje. Smokve isecite na pola.

Heat up a skillet, add olive oil. Chop the figs in halves.

Poređajte smokve na zagrejano ulje, prvo rasečenom stranom na dole. Lepo složite da sve stanu. Kada zacvrče, dodajte malo vode (par kašika) i dinstajte par minuta. Okrenite smokve pa dodajte sirće balzamiko i još malo dinstajte.

Distribute the figs neatly, cut side facing down first, on the heated and oiled skillet. Once they start sizzling, add a bit of water (2 tablespoons) and let simmer for a couple of minutes. Turn the figs and pour balsamic vinegar over the them. Keep simmering.

Kad malo omekšaju, ali nikako da se raspadnu, prelijte ih medom razblaženim jednom kašikom vode. Ostavite da kontrolisano vri dok se sok ne ukuva i postane gust i lepljiv.

Once they are soft, but still compact, add the honey dissolved with 1 tablespoon of water. Leave it to simmer and watch for the juice to thicken. 

Servirati preko kriški sira, po želji posuti malo maslinovim uljem i sokom u kom su se kuvale smokve.

Serve on the top of cheese, sprinkle with olive oil and the thickened juice in which the figs cooked.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Rižoto s gamborima * Shrimp Risotto

Malo daha Mediterana u ovom sjajnom, laganom letnjem jelu. Ovo je varijanta bez mlečnih proizvoda.

Feel a breath of Mediterranean in this fantastic, light, summer dish. This is a dairy-free option.

Za rižoto je potrebno:

250 g gambora
1 manji crni luk
3-4 čena belog luka
1 kašičica granula belog luka
2 šargarepe
3-4 listića sušenih vrganja
malo seckane ljute papričice
4-5 sušenih paradajza
1 svež paradajz
1 šolja belog pirinča (okruglo zrno)
1 konzerva kokosovog mleka, 400 ml
1 kocka za supu, pileća
biber, ruzmarin, seme slačice
maslinovo ulje
seckani peršun za posipanje

250 g shrimps
1 small onion
3-4 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon dried garlic granules
2 carrots
3-4 slices of dried penny bun or other available dried mushrooms
chili peppers, chopped
4-5 slices of sun dried tomatoes
1 fresh tomato
1 cup of plain white rice (medium grain)
 400 ml can coconut milk
1 chicken stock cube
pepper, rosemary, mustard seed
olive oil
fresh parsley

Suve vrganje izmrvite i prelijte ključalom vodom. Izrendajte na sitno šargarepu, sitno iseckajte crni i beli luk, papričicu (po želji), sušeni paradajz, i oljuštite i iseckajte na kockice svež paradajz. Pirinač očistite i operite. Vrganje ocedite, isperite svežom vodom i sitno iseckajte.

Soak dried mushrooms in boiling water. Finely grate the carrots, chop the onion, garlic, chili, sun dried tomatoes, peel and dice the fresh tomato. Drain the mushrooms, rinse and chop. Wash the rice.

U dubokom tiganju na malo maslinovog ulja propržite sitno seckan crni i beli luk, izmrvite kocku za supu, dodajte sušeni paradajz, vrganje, pa gambore, na kratko propržite.

Pour some olive oil in a skillet and briefly stir-fry the onion, garlic, crush the stock cube, add dried tomatoes, mushrooms and finally shrimps.

Dodajte oceđeni pirinač, još malo propržite, dodajte svež paradajz i rendanu šargarepu i sve začine (osim peršuna) pa nalijte kokosovim mlekom. Ostavite da se krčka na najslabijoj vatri, poklopljeno, oko pola sata – dok se pirinač skroz ne skuva, povremeno mešajte i po potrebi dodajte po malo vode. Rižoto treba da bude žitak i sočan, ne sme da se presuši.

Add the drained rice, stir-fry briefly, add the fresh tomato, carrots and all the spices except parsley, and pour the entire can of coconut milk. Let it simmer for approximately half an hour – until the rice is completely cooked. Stir occasionally and add some water when needed. The risotto should be creamy, not dry.

Servirajte posuto svežim seckanim peršunom.

Pour in a plate and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Banana-kuglof * Banana Gugelhupf

Veoma ukusan, a pritom i zdrav kolač, prepun dobrih vlakana. Banana mu daje mekoću i blagost, a začini interesantnu oštrinu.

A very tasty and healthy cake, brimming with good fiber. The banana gives it mildness and softness, and the spices add tanginess. 


4 jaja
110 gr putera plus komadić za podmazivanje modle
200 ml kefira ili jogurta
200 gr običnog brašna
60 gr sitnih ovsenih pahuljica
60 gr ovsenih klica
150 gr žutog šećera
5 zrelih banana
100 gr seckanih oraha
1 kašičica začina 4 epices (mešavina mlevenog đumbira, bibera, muškatnog oraha i karanfilića)
4 eggs
110 g butter, and a lump to grease the tin
200 ml kefir or greek yogurt
200 gr plain flour
60 g rolled oats
60 g oat germ
150 g brown sugar
5 ripe bananas
100 g chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon 4 epices spice (ginger, pepper, nutmeg and clove mix)

Uključiti rernu na 200 stepeni. Dobro podmazati modlu. Iseckati puter da omekša. Oljuštiti 3 banane i izgnječiti viljuškom. Razbiti jaja i izmiksati.

Turn the oven on at 200 degrees Celsius. Grease the tin well. Chop the butter to soften it. Peel 3 bananas and mash them with a fork. Add the eggs and mix.

Izmešati sve suve sastojke i dodati polovinu u smesu. Izmiksati. Dodati puter i dobro izmešati da se sve sjedini.

Mix all the dry ingredients and add a half to the batter. Mix. Add butter and mix well.

Dodati ostatak suvih sastojaka i kefir, i još jednom dobro promešati. Iseckati orahe i dodati u smesu, potom iseckati banane na kolutove, i njih dodati u smesu i pažljivo izmešati varjačom. Sve pažljivo sipati u modlu za kuglof.

Add the remaining dry ingredients and mix well once again. Chop the walnuts and add to the batter, then slice the bananas, add them, too, and mix carefully with a spoon. Pour the batter carefully into the Gugelhupf tin.

Staviti u rernu, smanjiti na 180 stepeni pa peći 45 minuta. Potom pojačati na 200 i peći još 10 minuta. Prevrnuti modlu na tanjir i pažljivo podići. Posuti kuglof prah šećerom.

Place the tin in the oven, reduce the heat to 180 degrees and bake for 45 minutes. Then increase the heat to 200 and bake for another 10 minutes. Place a plate over the tin and flip. Remove the tin carefully. Dust with powdered sugar.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Slana torta * Savoury Cake

Ova raskošna 'torta' je vrlo jednostavna za pripremu, a jedan komad je dovoljan za sjajnu užinu ili predjelo.

This luscious 'cake' is very easy to prepare, and one piece is a fantastic snack or starter.


3 jaja
100 ml nerafinisanog suncokretovog ulja
200 ml jogurta
kašičica soli
10 kašika belog brašna
2 kašike griza od spelte
5 kašika integralnog brašna
3 kašike ovsenih mekinja
prašak za pecivo
100 grama belog sira
3 pečene, oljuštene i oceđene crvene paprike
semenke za posipanje: susam, bundevine i suncokretove
3 eggs
100 ml non-refined sunflower oil
200 ml plain yogurt
a teaspoon of salt
10 tablespoons plain white flour
2 tablespoons spelt semolina
5 tablespoons integral flour
3 tablespoons oat bran
10 g baking powder
100 g white cheese, feta style
3 grilled, peeled and drained red peppers
seeds for the topping: sesame, pumpkin and sunflower

Uključiti rernu na 180 stepeni. Umutiti jaja mikserom, pa dodati so i prašak za pecivo, polovinu od svog brašna i ulje. Umutiti da se dobro sjedini, pa dodati ostatak brašna i jogurt. Izmiksati dok smesa ne postane glatka.

Turn the oven on at 180 degrees Celsius. Whisk the eggs, add the salt and baking powder, half of the flour mix and oil. Mix well until well combined, then add the rest of the flour mixture and the yogurt. Keep mixing until smooth.

Iseckati paprike na kockice i izdrobiti sir. U mali kalup za pečenje sa ivicama koje se skidaju, prečnika 17 cm, sipati prvo 1 sloj testa pa preko njega poređati seckane paprike.

Dice the peppers and crumble the cheese. Take a cake pan with removable bottom (17cm diameter) and place a layer of batter. Spread the chopped peppers over it.

Potom dodati još jedan sloj testa, pa preko njega rasporediti sir. Na kraju pažljivo rasporediti ostatak testa preko sira.

Then add another layer of batter and top it with cheese. Finally, place the rest of the batter carefully over the cheese.

Posuti obilno semenkama. Staviti u zagrejanu rernu i peći 50 minuta na 170 stepeni, pa još 10 minuta na 200.

Sprinkle abundantly with seeds. Place in a heated oven and bake for 50 minutes at 170 degrees, and another 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.

Prekriti čistom krpom i ostaviti 10 minuta da odleži. Potom skinuti ivicu kalupa i servirati.

Cover with a clean cloth and let it rest for 10 minutes. Then remove the side of the pan and serve.