Friday, January 27, 2017

Slana torta * Savoury Cake

Ova raskošna 'torta' je vrlo jednostavna za pripremu, a jedan komad je dovoljan za sjajnu užinu ili predjelo.

This luscious 'cake' is very easy to prepare, and one piece is a fantastic snack or starter.


3 jaja
100 ml nerafinisanog suncokretovog ulja
200 ml jogurta
kašičica soli
10 kašika belog brašna
2 kašike griza od spelte
5 kašika integralnog brašna
3 kašike ovsenih mekinja
prašak za pecivo
100 grama belog sira
3 pečene, oljuštene i oceđene crvene paprike
semenke za posipanje: susam, bundevine i suncokretove
3 eggs
100 ml non-refined sunflower oil
200 ml plain yogurt
a teaspoon of salt
10 tablespoons plain white flour
2 tablespoons spelt semolina
5 tablespoons integral flour
3 tablespoons oat bran
10 g baking powder
100 g white cheese, feta style
3 grilled, peeled and drained red peppers
seeds for the topping: sesame, pumpkin and sunflower

Uključiti rernu na 180 stepeni. Umutiti jaja mikserom, pa dodati so i prašak za pecivo, polovinu od svog brašna i ulje. Umutiti da se dobro sjedini, pa dodati ostatak brašna i jogurt. Izmiksati dok smesa ne postane glatka.

Turn the oven on at 180 degrees Celsius. Whisk the eggs, add the salt and baking powder, half of the flour mix and oil. Mix well until well combined, then add the rest of the flour mixture and the yogurt. Keep mixing until smooth.

Iseckati paprike na kockice i izdrobiti sir. U mali kalup za pečenje sa ivicama koje se skidaju, prečnika 17 cm, sipati prvo 1 sloj testa pa preko njega poređati seckane paprike.

Dice the peppers and crumble the cheese. Take a cake pan with removable bottom (17cm diameter) and place a layer of batter. Spread the chopped peppers over it.

Potom dodati još jedan sloj testa, pa preko njega rasporediti sir. Na kraju pažljivo rasporediti ostatak testa preko sira.

Then add another layer of batter and top it with cheese. Finally, place the rest of the batter carefully over the cheese.

Posuti obilno semenkama. Staviti u zagrejanu rernu i peći 50 minuta na 170 stepeni, pa još 10 minuta na 200.

Sprinkle abundantly with seeds. Place in a heated oven and bake for 50 minutes at 170 degrees, and another 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.

Prekriti čistom krpom i ostaviti 10 minuta da odleži. Potom skinuti ivicu kalupa i servirati.

Cover with a clean cloth and let it rest for 10 minutes. Then remove the side of the pan and serve.