Saturday, February 27, 2016

Burek iz tučanog tiganja * Cast Iron Skillet Burek

Kažu da sva velika otkrića dolaze slučajno. I tako sam ja jednog dana došla sa vežbi gladna kao vuk. Baš mi se jela neka pita, a nisam mogla da čekam da se ispeče u rerni. I onda sam je, kao Panta, smotala u tiganju i ispekla na ringli. Od tad je samo tako pravim. Bude gotova za petnaestak minuta. Gladan čovek uvek nađe načina.

Burek is a variety of a filo-pastry pie typical for the Balkans, with Turkish origins. It evolved separately in each Balkan country, so, while in Serbia burek looks like what I'm just about to make here, in Bosnia it's rolled, and with meat filling. They are all tasty and we are all proud of our bureks. Mine, here, happened by accident, when I was in a hurry, so I baked it in a pan on the stove plate, instead of the oven. And it turned out great!

Za ovaj burek potrebno je:
You'll need:
-1 dobar tiganj sa debelim dnom, najbolje tučani
-4 kore za gibanicu
-1 jaje
-šolja kefira (a može i jogurta)
-malo ulja, suncokretovog, nerafinisanog
-prstohvat soli
-1 good cast iron skillet
-4 sheets of filo pastry; if you don't live in the Balkans, 
then look for 'kore' in Yugoslav shops, or 'jufka' in Turkish shops. Greek filo pastry sheets are smaller, so if they are your only option, you would probably need 16. 
-1 egg
-1 mug (250 ml) of kefir, or plain Greek yogurt
-some non-refined oil
-a pinch of salt

Na dno tiganja sipati malo ulja, pa raširiti dve kore tako da se preklapaju, i da dobar deo viri sa strane. U činiju sipati kefir, razbiti jaje, staviti prstohvat soli i malo ulja, i umutiti viljuškom tako da se sastojci sjedine.

Put a spoonful of oil in the skillet. Spread two pastry sheets across it, so that they overlap, and a large portion hangs outside. You will need these edges, to wrap it all up in the end.
Pour kefir into a bowl, add the egg, a pinch of salt and a bit of oil. Whisk it lightly.

Treću koru zgužvati, umočiti u smesu, dobro nakvasiti sa svih strana i razvući po tiganju, preko one prve dve raširene kore.

Take the third pastry sheet, crumple it like a piece of paper, dip it in the mixture so that it is completely soaked, and spread it lightly over the already laid two sheets in the pan.

Ako želite da vaš burek ima fil, preko ovog sloja možete dodati mrvljenog sira, prethodno probarenog i iseckanog spanaća, ili malo izdinstanog mlevenog mesa. Ali i bez fila je sjajan i ukusan. Potom ponoviti prethodni proces sa četvrtom korom.

If you prefer your burek with a filling, you can add some grated white cheese, previously blanched spinach or fried ground beef at this stage. But it's excellent without the filling, anyway. Then repeat the previous step with the fourth pastry sheet.

Na kraju treba saviti sve ove krajeve koji vire tako da burek bude dobro ušuškan, kako sadržaj ne bi cureo tokom pečenja.

Finally, tuck in the edges of the first two pastry sheets that are hanging over the skillet, so that the liquid is safe inside and doesn't leak during the baking process. 

Staviti tiganj na ringlu, na najjaču vatru samo dok se tiganj ne zagreje, pa smanjiti na tiho (kod mene su oznake od 1 do 9, pa ga prvo stavim na 9 na kratko, a potom na 3), poklopiti i nakon 5 minuta pomoću varjače zadignuti pažljivo jedan kraj i videti da li je dno porumenelo. Ako je još uvek bledunjavo, pojačati vatru na srednje i paziti da ne zagori. Kada lepo porumeni, gurnuti varjaču ispod i okrenuti burek u tiganju. To je lako jer je sad donji, pečeni deo već čvrst pa se neće raspasti. Ponoviti isti postupak pečenja druge strane, i kad porumeni onako kako volite, samo ga prebacite na veći tanjir ili dasku. I isecite 'kao burek za ovde' :-)

Place the pan on the stove-top burner at the highest heat just until the pan heats up, then reduce to medium-low and let it cook for five minutes with a lid on. Check if it is baked carefully, with a wooden spatula, by lifting the edge. If it has turned yellow-brown, then it's time to flip it over. You'll do that by inserting the spatula underneath and lightly holding the top side with the other hand. It should be easy now, since the cooked side has turned solid and crispy. Repeat the procedure until the other side is cooked, just the way you like it, and then simply put it on a large plate or a wooden board, cut it into triangles and enjoy!